The Illusion of a Palestinian 'Demilitarized' State
by Bassam Tawil • March 5, 2024 at 5:00 am
[A]ny commitment to a demilitarized state by the Palestinian leadership would be legally worthless.
"Any treaty is void if, at the time it was entered into, it conflicts with a 'peremptory' rule of general international law (jus cogens) – a rule accepted and recognized by the international community of states as one from which 'no derogation is permitted.' Because the right of sovereign States to maintain military forces essential to 'self-defense' is such a peremptory rule, Palestine, depending upon its particular form of authority, could be entirely within its right to abrogate any pre-independence agreement that had compelled its demilitarization." [Italics in original.] — Louis René Beres, professor emeritus at Purdue University, and an expert in international law and political science,, December 23, 2023.
"Therein lies the jurisprudential core of the Palestinian demilitarization problem: International law would not necessarily require Palestinian compliance with any pre-state agreements concerning the use of armed force. From the standpoint of such authoritative law, enforcing demilitarization upon a sovereign state of Palestine would be sorely problematic." [Italics in original.] — Louis René Beres,, December 23, 2023
"Unhidden, both the Arab world and Iran still have only a 'One-State Solution' for the 'Israel Problem.' It is a 'solution' that eliminates Israel altogether, a physical solution, a 'Final Solution.' Even today, official Arab maps of 'Palestine' (PNA and Hamas) show the prospective Arab State comprising all of the West Bank (Judea/Samaria), all of Gaza and all of Israel. They knowingly exclude any references to a Jewish population and list 'holy sites' of Christians and Muslims only." — Louis René Beres,, December 23, 2023
No one can stop a future Palestinian state from becoming a lawless and militarized state. Such a state on Israel's doorstep would pose a direct and grave threat to Israel's existence and actually facilitate the mission of the Iranian regime and its terror proxies to murder more Jews.

As part of its effort to promote the idea of a "two-state solution," the Biden administration has been talking about the need to establish a "demilitarized" Palestinian state next to Israel.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is reported to have asked the State Department for a "review of what a demilitarized Palestinian state would look like based on other models around the world."
The purpose of such a review is to look at options for how a "two-state solution" can be implemented in a way that assures security for Israel, a US official told the American media outlet Axios.
The Biden administration is homing in on a new doctrine involving an unprecedented push to immediately advance the creation of a "demilitarized" but viable Palestinian state, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman reported in early February: