We’re already making progress, and we’ll have updates soon.
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You are receiving this email because you took action to end wasteful government
animal testing. If you no longer believe in ending taxpayer-funded animal
experiments, you can unsubscribe
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You donated, WCW sued, and we won. Now we know what they were trying to hide...
Lawsuit Victory: Thanks to an ambitious Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, WCW has secured never-before-seen photos and videos
[[link removed]] of the maximum-pain experiments taking place at the National Institutes of
Health’s (NIH) infamous Rocky Mountain Laboratory—A.K.A. “Wuhan West."
Everything you need to know is below.
Daniel López
Director, Research & Investigations
White Coat Waste ProjectP.S. Our winning lawsuit has provided us with undeniable evidence of the NIH’s
taxpayer-funded monkey and baby piglet torture at their Wuhan West Lab. Now we need your help getting it in front of Congress.
Please continue reading this email to inform yourself of the facts, then rush an email to Congress
[[link removed]] demanding they de-fund the NIH’s maximum-pain experiments and provide sanctuary
to the survivors.
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[[link removed]]
* A successful White Coat Waste Project Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has
pried free never-before-seen photos and videos of the NIH’s maximum pain
bioagent experiments on primates and piglets.
* In the photos and videos from inside NIH’s Rocky Mountain Lab, primates
shipped from Fauci’s Monkey Island were infected with COVID and an Ebola-like
hemorrhagic fever that causes bleeding and organ failure.
* Videos show piglets huddled and suffering after being infected with Ebola.
* WCW previously uncovered how the Rocky Mountain Lab’s gain-of-function
experimenters infect primates shipped from Fauci’s Monkey Island with deadly
viruses, how they bought bats from a shady roadside zoo to abuse in
coronavirus experiments and how they're currently working with Wuhan lab
partner EcoHealth Alliance
For years, the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has been working to find, expose
and defund dangerous and cruel maximum pain animal experiments
[[link removed]] at the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) controversial Rocky Mountain
Laboratory (RML) in Montana. RML is a bioagent superlab that infects animals
with highly contagious and deadly viruses like Ebola, Lassa, Nipah, and even the
Our investigations have uncovered how RML gain-of-function experimenters infect
primates shipped from Monkey Island
[[link removed]] with deadly viruses like Ebola, how it bought bats from a shady roadside zoo
[[link removed]] to abuse in coronavirus experiments and how it's currently working with Wuhan lab partner EcoHealth Alliance
[[link removed]] to import hundreds of bats from Asia for treacherous virus experiments. In 2022, we filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit
[[link removed]] against the NIH for refusing to release records to WCW about RML’s maximum pain
experiments. Now, as first reported by the Daily Mail
[[link removed]] , our ongoing lawsuit has pried free never-before-seen photos and videos of
RML’s taxpayer-funded animal experiments. In these photos and videos from inside RML, primates were being intentionally
infected with COVID and an Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever that causes bleeding and
organ failure:
[[link removed]] These photos and videos from inside RML show piglets being infected with and
suffering from Ebola infections:
[[link removed]]
WCW was represented in the successful FOIA case by the Law Office of Matthew
Strugar. RML is currently expanding its animal testing labs using $125 million of
taxpayers’ money distributed by Congress as COVID relief funding. Is this how you want your money spent?
Fortunately, following our exposés, Montana Congressman Matt Rosendale (R-MT)
[[link removed]] successfully passed an amendment
[[link removed]] to the NIH’s 2024 spending bill to defund some of RML’s most dangerous animal
experiments and Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)
[[link removed]] demanded answers from RML and NIH. Our FOIA lawsuit, lobbying, and investigation into RML are all ongoing and
we’ll keep you posted on new developments.
Thank you for reading this update, Taxpayer. We know the
photos and videos are tough to stomach, but we appreciate you staying informed.
URGENT: NIH white coats are ripping 40 newborn piglets from their mothers and infecting them with Ebola in an active, maximum-pain
experiment at its infamous Rocky Mountain Lab in Montana.
Please send your members of Congress an email
[[link removed]] demanding they close the lab and retire the survivors before all forty piglets
are slaughtered!
[[link removed]]
[[link removed]]
[[link removed]]Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
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White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog. Contributions
are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
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