Our team and volunteers down on the ground in TX-15 have been busy conducting critical voter outreach this weekend.

Michelle Vallejo for Congress

Folks, this is the final sprint before tomorrow’s primary.

We have spent MONTHS since launching this campaign connecting with the voters of TX-15 and taking the time to hear their needs, hopes, and dreams for their communities. 

That’s because we want this campaign to be rooted in the people Michelle will represent, not those who want to buy influence in Washington. That is our priority and Michelle’s commitment to all people in South Texas — and we need to make sure we do absolutely EVERYTHING we can to make sure folks know that.

Tomorrow is our chance to take this next step to send Michelle Vallejo to Washington as our representative to be the champion South Texans deserve. Will you make a donation of whatever you can afford to help us carry out our FINAL voter outreach efforts ahead of the primary?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll instantly process your contribution to Michelle Vallejo:

Together, we have been building a movement in South Texas — for our families, friends, communities, and each other. We have been fighting for a future that protects Texans from all walks of life.

And we could not have made it this far without YOU, folks.

We CAN send Michelle to Washington as our representative to be the champion South Texans deserve — but the only way we’ll win tomorrow’s primary is by making sure that every last voter has voting information and knows exactly what kind of leader Michelle is. 

Make a donation right now to fund our final voter outreach efforts before tomorrow’s polls open.

¡Vamos Por Quince!

Team Vallejo