With the huge stakes in 2024, we

NBC NEWS HEADLINE: Supreme Court rules states can't kick Trump off the ballot

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that even if Trump engaged in insurrection, states cannot remove him from the presidential election ballot.

We just blew past one more exit ramp on the freeway to fascism.

With the huge stakes in 2024, we all must summon up the time and energy to defeat Trump. That's why we have been asking people: How can your super powers help?

Sure. Money will matter. So will phone calls and door knocking. But so much can be done now – before it’s time to Get Out The Vote.

You have talents. That means you have power. We are asking every teacher, nurse, investor, coder, video editor, psychologist, event planner, researcher, veteran, first responder, artist, musician, athlete, actor, gamer, and others to apply your unique talents to the goal of saving democracy in 2024.

And we want to help you think through how.

Click here to take the first step. Identify talents that you’d LIKE to apply to this year’s election IF there was some way they could make a difference.

We’ve started broaching this question and noticed that many people start off feeling powerless. But after thinking about it, folks feel empowered to impact this year’s election!

We want to share the burden of helping people like you figure out how to use your super powers. And we’re doing the legwork of figuring out where your talent would be most impactful.

We’ll look over every answer and follow up.

Take the first step here. And we’ll be in touch soon.

Your friends at,

– The Progressive Change Campaign Committee




You have Super Powers! Want to help save democracy?
We'll help you think through how.
Click here to take the first step. Identify talents that you’d like to apply
to this year’s election if there was some way they could make a difference.


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