In the weeks leading up to the coronavirus becoming a full-blown pandemic, several United States Senators quietly learned of this looming health crisis.

Their response? Many of these Senators sold off millions of dollars worth of personal stock before the markets would inevitably tank, offering no warning to the American people of what was to come.

The coronavirus then began to ravage our country, leaving a trail of death and terror in its wake.

One of these Senators was incumbent Republican Kelly Loeffler of Georgia. Her actions are inexcusable.

Which is why I’m urging you to support her opponent, Rev. Raphael Warnock. It’s time to defeat politicians who put their own personal profits ahead of American lives.

Raphael is a pastor who has long been an advocate of expanding health care coverage and ensuring that Americans from Georgia to Oregon can make a living wage.

And he understands that American lives are not expendable. He understands that in times of global crisis, the top priority shouldn't be protecting stock market prices and corporate profits.

There isn't anything more to say. We must kick out the corrupt, self-serving politicians like Kelly Loeffler and make way for a better tomorrow — one that ensures health, security, and dignity for everyone who calls our country home.

That's why, today and through to November, I'm standing with Georgia's Raphael Warnock. I urge you to make a donation to him right now, to power his grassroots campaign onto victory in November.


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