It is clear to me this factory should not be built. It is equally clear to me that JobsOhio should be shut down. Thank you, Mike, for bringing this to our attention.
Washington Times (2/28/24) column: "A public meeting in Pataskala, Ohio — a small town east of Columbus — focused on a new factory in town was held this week. This particular factory is not much different from other factories, except that it makes solar panels, and one of the companies that built and operates it is LONGi, a company based in China with all kinds of ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Keep in mind the regime in Beijing — which has been declared genocidal by both the Biden and Trump administrations — owns, controls or processes about 80% of the materials that go into solar panels. Two experts at the meeting, Nate Picarsic and Emily deLaBruyere, were from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. They patiently explained that the involvement of the Chinese Communist Party in this factory inevitably meant that the factory — like all economic investments by China — would ultimately and probably immediately be used to further the military, political and economic purposes of the regime in Beijing. Most who attended the meeting know that something isn’t right and their new neighbors aren’t good guys....It is also clear that an outfit called JobsOhio is part of the problem. It is shipping $4 million to the partnership. What makes that worse is that JobsOhio gets its money through an arrangement constructed by former Gov. John Kasich in which the profits of the liquor industry flow to JobsOhio, which in turn 'invests' in projects it deems worthwhile. Despite being a creature of the state, JobsOhio has no meaningful oversight, which gives it the flavor of a slush fund for well-connected former politicians."
"World leaders continue experiencing a 'dangerous delusion' of a global transition to 'just electricity' that they believe will eliminate the use of the crude oil that made society achieve so much in a few centuries. Without those products made from petrochemicals manufactured from crude oil, the policymakers must be imagining NO jets, ships, defense, or space programs in our future!"
– Ronald Stein, P.E.,
Heartland Institute