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To give you and your families as much information as possible during this critical period in time, I’ve broken down the details of the bill below:

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I wanted to reach out and inform you that the House of Representatives just passed an economic relief bill that will provide much needed relief to both Ohioans and all Americans.

To give you and your families as much information as possible during this critical period in time, I’ve broken down the details of the bill below:

This bill was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer injected partisanship into this process at the 11th hour wanting to insert dead on arrival policy proposals like the Green New Deal, and other not related items, into previous drafts.

Regardless of the actions of these partisans, commonsense won out and this was passed. It will provide significant funding for our hospitals and healthcare providers to make sure we are able to properly handle this pandemic.

This bill will also help keep people employed, and at the same time, it will help those who have lost their jobs and are now unemployed.

If you have any questions regarding how you can protect yourself, visit my campaign website. I have highlighted all the guidelines laid out by both the CDC and Ohio’s 10th district county’s public health departments.

Again, I hope you and your family are staying safe and following the CDC’s health guidelines during this critical time.

Thank you,

Mike Turner

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120 W. Second St. #1510 Dayton, OH 45402

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