Republicans are supporting a lawsuit with the goal of ending the Affordable Care Act, and it’s been taken up by the Supreme Court.

That means that the ACA is in danger, and Americans with pre-existing conditions are at risk.

Sign here to tell Congress to join Debbie and take immediate action to save the Affordable Care Act.

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Donald Trump is backing a lawsuit that could end the Affordable Care Act. It’s being heard by the Supreme Court, and the decision could be disastrous.

Americans with pre-existing conditions could lose protections and be unable to get insurance. The suffering could be immense, especially in this time of a global pandemic.

Add your name here to join me in demanding that Congress take immediate action to protect our access to health care!


Most Americans agree that people should have access to health care, but Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are too beholden to powerful special interests to care.

That’s why we need to send a strong message: All Americans deserve access to health care, and we aren’t going to let Republicans take it away without a fight.

Sign here to ask my colleagues in Congress to join me in taking immediate action to protect access to health care.

Thank you for all that you do,


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