Eugene Vindman for Congress

Tweet from Eugene Vindman: 'Senate Republicans just blocked a bill that would protect IVF treatments. This comes as House Republicans are working to ban abortions. We have to keep the Senate, flip the House, and protect abortion right in November. The stakes could not be higher.'

John — It’s not enough that Republicans want to completely ban abortion in our country.

After a Republican-dominated Alabama court banned the IVF services at fertility clinics in the state, Republicans in the Senate blocked a bill that would protect access to this crucial reproductive healthcare option for so many.

Let’s be clear: There is no negotiating with this kind of extremism. The only way to protect reproductive freedom and the right to an abortion is to beat Republicans up and down the ballot in November.

We’re working to do that right here in Virginia by winning this crucial swing seat, sending Eugene to Congress, and taking back the House Majority so we can block any and all attempts by Republicans to roll back our rights.

— Team Vindman

🚀 Wait! Give us just one more moment❗

Eugene Vindman’s first FEC deadline of the election year is coming up at the end of the month.

The GOP is prepared to spend millions to attack Eugene so he needs us to have his back. Make a quick contribution today and help us keep up the fight for our democracy:

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Paid For By Vindman for Congress

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Eugene Vindman served in the U.S. Army and the National Security Council. Use of his job titles and photographs during service does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Army or the National Security Council.