Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress


Nikki has truly hit the ground running as a newly elected member of Congress, and our communities are already seeing the benefits. Here’s what Nikki’s been focused on:

➡️ Building bipartisan relationships to break through gridlock and deliver real results for our families and communities

➡️ Providing training opportunities for job seekers and strengthening our workforce to help small businesses

➡️ Protecting our farmers by bolstering crop insurance programs, and investing in rural development initiatives

➡️ Ensuring access to quality healthcare services for our veterans, especially in underserved areas

➡️ Visiting every single county in our newly drawn 13th district to meet with constituents and hear firsthand the things you care about most

Nikki has already accomplished so much for working families as a Representative, and she’s not slowing down one bit. But this is a competitive seat, and we’re just FIFTEEN days away from our first big test of 2024. Can we count on you to pitch in today?

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Thank you for supporting a champion for working families in Congress!

— Team Nikki