To unsubscribe ; use this link .... ***see note at bottom of newsletter for details.


IRC-REC Meeting on Wednesday, March 6

New Hope Christian Church, 4425 71st Street, Vero Beach

Doors open at 6:00 - Meeting commences at 6:30

IRC REC HQ Open House

865 20th Place

Vero Beach, FL

[ Intersection of 20th Place and Ninth Ave ]

Friday March 22 @ 5-8PM

Come for refreshments, educational handouts, stirring videos and a chance to meet with the Board.

Please email [email protected] if

you are bringing snacks or drinks.

The famous BGriffin hotdogs will be served.

IRC REC Clubs & Organizations

RCIR Meeting TODAY ! ! !

Denah Butts :

Convention of States -

Florida Director.

Vero Beach Heritage Center


Click on the link for details;

RCIR Meeting TONIGHT with Denah Butts & FL COS

Monthly IRC Club Reminders

Rep Club I.R. - 1st Monday - [email protected]

Rep Women I.R. - 2nd Monday - [email protected]

Hispanic Rep I.R. - 3rd Wednesday - [email protected]

Rep For Life - Last Friday - [email protected]

Other Events Coming Up

March 5 - Super Tuesday Primaries in 17 states

Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia

March 6 - Primaries in Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi, Washington

March 19 - Florida Presidential Preference Primary

Also Arizona, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio

March 22 - Open House at IRC REC HQ

March 31 - FL Property Taxes Due

April 15 - IRS Tax Filing Due

May 3-5 - Vero Beach Air Show

August 20 - Florida Primary Presidential Runoff Date

November 5 - National Election Day

Florida Sheriff's

Youth Ranches

Fund Raiser

March 6 from 2-7PM

4055 41st Street, Vero Beach

IRC Sheriff's Barbeque

Rev. Dr. John Vacchiano - Speaker

Rockin' Our Country !

Rollin To Your City !

This event takes place in Ft. Pierce on March 7 @ 7:30PM. It includes Ira Dean as well as the Glenn Baker Band.

Rev. Vacchiano will be the featured speaker during the break between the two performers.

Click on this link for more information:

Rockin' & Rollin' Event

The IRC-REC is simply advertising this event for military veterans with no IRC-REC financial obligations or costs.

The Supervisor Of Elections of Indian River County has some IMPORTANT UPCOMING ELECTION NEWS for you.

Please follow the link:

IRC Supervisor of Elections Web Page







News From Here & There .....

Why is the US military the BEST ?

Why is this Atheist One of the Few Brave Enough to Say This ?

A Great Example of Righteous Anger

Dr. Phil vs 'The View' Insanity

Roseanne Barr at Her BEST

Would You Hire This Woman ?

 The Holy Scriptures...can alone secure to society order and peace, and to our courts of justice and constitutions of government, purity, stability, and usefulness.....Bibles are strong entrenchments. Where they abound, men cannot pursue wicked courses and at the same time enjoy quiet conscience.

James McHenry, Signer of the Constitution

One Room School House

[ A new feature of the IRC-GOP to educate ourselves and others on true conservative issues and topics ]

Largest INTERNATIONAL Vaccine Study Tells Us .....

John Adams' letter to His Wife, Abigail

Cristian Nationalism & Two DIFFERENCE Revolutions

Mis- & Dis- vs YOU

Picture Worth 1000 Words

Picture Worth 1000 Words

PIcture Worth 1000 Words

PIcture Worth 1000 Words

PIcture Worth 1000 Words

PIcture Worth 1000 Words

Donations to the IRC-REC are appreciated.

Click here ...

[ One-time and regular monthly donations are very welcome ]

New Logo

Republican Headquarters:

865 20th Place

Vero Beach, FL 32960

Phone: 772-492-8394

CHAIR, Rev. Dr. John Vacchiano

772-532-6400 --- [email protected]

VICE CHAIR, Lamarre Notargiacomo

772-559-1986 --- [email protected]

SECRETARY, Peter A. Heilemann

603-276-0717 --- [email protected]


401-255-3681 --- [email protected]


772-696-1665 --- [email protected]           


727-385-4412 --- [email protected]

Paid for by the REC of Indian River County.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Please visit the website

Peter A. Heilemann - Secretary

Indian River County Republican Executive Committee

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