Tomorrow is primary day in Texas! We’ve done so much work to get to this day. And, while we’ve been here before, we know a lot can happen between now and when the polls close.
What I know for sure is that a campaign takes a lot of work and a lot of money. And I am so grateful to everyone on this team who has shown up for our campaign this year, and in years past. Whether you volunteered your time, made a contribution, or voted early, it all makes a difference.
You are essential to our efforts to get our message in front of voters in every corner of the district so I can continue fighting for our values and priorities in Congress.
We plan to finish strong. I’m grateful for all those who have contributed to our Primary Challenge Goal. And for those deadline-oriented people like me who have been meaning to get to it, here is a link where you can make a contribution:
Thanks so much to everyone on #TeamLizzie.
Together, we can do anything,

P.S. Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, which means many states across the country—not just Texas—will be voting! Please talk to your friends and family about the stakes at play in this year’s elections and the importance of making their voices heard at the ballot box.