We're advocating on Capitol Hill to kick off Obesity Care Week 2024!


Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) is a proud Founding Champion of Obesity Care Week (OCW), and we need your help to make this the most impactful week of obesity awareness and support yet. Obesity Care Week begins today, so this is our chance to change the way we care for – and about – obesity! 


To kick off Obesity Care Week today, we are on Capitol Hill advocating for expanded access to obesity care! We're meeting with legislators to urge them to co-sponsor the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA), and we need YOUR help.

Access to affordable, quality, comprehensive care is one of the most challenging hurdles that people with obesity face in their journey to improved health. Everyone should have access to all of the tools required for healthy weight management. That's where you come in!

Join Us and Take OAC Action! 

Using our automated message generator in the OAC Action Center, please send a message to your legislators urging them to support TROA. We've already drafted the message for you, but we encourage you to add your story to make the letter even more powerful. Taking action only takes a few minutes, but paired with OAC's meetings on Capitol Hill today, it will amplify our voice demanding change for people with obesity across the country!


Introducing the Action Fund: Your Opportunity to Drive Real Change!

Join us in our mission to create a world free of bias and ensure access to comprehensive, compassionate care for all individuals affected by obesity. The Action Fund is our latest initiative, designed to empower supporters like you to make a direct impact on our advocacy efforts.

With your generous contributions to the Action Fund, we can amplify our advocacy initiatives and educate the public about our ongoing work. This funding will allow us to train our Community members on how to stand up for themselves and the obesity community, equipping them with the tools and resources they need to drive meaningful change.

Together, we can empower individuals to advocate for obesity to be treated the same as other chronic diseases and transform the landscape of obesity care.


 Together, we can change the way we care about obesity!



Obesity Care Week is an annual public awareness event supported by more than 100 Champion health organizations and leaders around the world, including our official Partners: Platinum - Eli Lilly; Bronze - Novo Nordisk; Patron - Amgen; Supporter - American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, Boehringer Ingelheim, Boston Scientific, Currax Pharmaceuticals, Emerald Lake Safety and Rhythm Pharmaceuticals. Despite extensive research and studies, stigma and misperceptions continue to negatively shape the way people with obesity are treated medically and generally within society. That is why Obesity Care Week Champions and Partners stand together to acknowledge the 5 Principles of Obesity. To learn more about Obesity Care Week and get involved, visit ObesityCareWeek.org.


Obesity Action Coalition
4511 North Himes Ave., Suite 250
Tampa, Florida 33614
(800) 717-3117
[email protected]

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