"Incorporating Sharia Law into European Legal Systems": A State in India Bans Sharia
by Uzay Bulut • March 4, 2024 at 5:00 am
Lawmakers in an Indian state... have approved landmark legislation to... [ban] discrimination against women based on Islamic sharia law... personal laws that would be common for all citizens, regardless of religion.
Replacing sharia law with a universal civil code across all of India would vastly ensure more rights for women and children and secure gender equality, and would be most welcome in other nations on the grounds of humanitarian fairness.
"By 2030, there will be 60 million Muslims living in Europe. We are witnessing the process of the Islamisation of Europe, including Belgium, France, Germany and Sweden.... Mosques financed by Islamic countries are the backdrop for Muslims' lives in Europe... Koranic schools are financed mainly by the rich Gulf states." — Elżbieta Kruk, Member of the European Parliament, July 7, 2020.
"Three choices are offered to non-Muslims: conversion to Islam, sword or dhimmitude, an inferior status in which non-Muslims are allowed to survive as long as they paid tribute.... Western nations must choose a fourth path: freedom. And this new choice would require more courage, resolve and strength as opposed to appeasement and surrender. " — Bat Ye'or, author of eight books on the history of Islam and dhimmitude, myIslam.dk, December 10, 2011.

Lawmakers in an Indian state ruled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have approved landmark legislation to unify personal laws across religions, a move that bans discrimination against women based on Islamic sharia law.
Approval by the State of Uttarakhand makes it the first in the country since independence from Britain in 1947 to pass a Uniform Civil Code (UCC). The bill provides uniformity in personal laws regarding inheritance, marriage, divorce and adoption, amongst others, across various communities in Uttarakhand. The new bill mandates a set of personal laws that would be common for all citizens, regardless of religion.
According to India Today:
"The Uttarakhand UCC bill makes it mandatory to register live-in relationships and puts a complete ban on polygamy and child marriage. It also recommends a common marriageable age for girls across all faiths and similar procedures for divorce."