There’s no more time for business as usual. Join together with people where you live for the September climate strikes.


It gives me chills to watch this happen.

Already, right now, people in 150 countries are preparing for the biggest climate mobilization the world has ever seen.

Children and youth keep showing up on the streets each Friday despite school holidays. They’re building momentum.

Workers across Europe are getting ready, too. Major trade unions in France (CGT) and Germany (Verdi) have called their members to join the youth on the streets, and every day new companies are coming forward in support of the climate strike. 

What about you? It’s time you signed up to join the Global Climate Strike!

What will happen after you sign up? 

First, we’ll ask you to invite your friends, colleagues and family: climate action is urgent and and can sometimes feel like too much, but everything is better and more fun with your close ones!

Next, we’ll let you know about youth-led events near to where you live, and invite you to join one of them. Our digital wizards are getting the mega-map ready right now.

Then, we’ll send you all the resources you might need to join and support a youth-led strike online or in your area: that includes images and messages to share on social media, printable posters and other materials.

What if there isn’t a youth-led event in your area, or you want to organise your own strike? After you pledge your support, we’ll send you information and materials on how to organise your workplace, how to get your employer to support the strikes, and lots of ideas for actions you and your community can organise in solidarity with the striking kids. 

Throughout that time, us in the 350 staff will be here, ready to support you with information and materials, connect you with others, and mobilise even more people to join. 

The Global Climate Strike this September is not something you can miss. Sign up now to help build momentum, and receive everything you need to participate!

Never thought I’d look forward to the end of summer - but this September, we’re making history!

See you on the streets,

Julia, for the Europe team is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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