Our team and volunteers down on the ground in TX-15 have been busy conducting critical voter outreach this weekend.

Michelle Vallejo for Congress

Folks, we are in our FINAL Sunday before the primary.

Our team and volunteers down on the ground in TX-15 have been busy conducting critical voter outreach this weekend ahead of Tuesday’s vote and will continue those effort until folks hit the polls to make Michelle our official Democratic nominee — and there’s a way you can support those efforts from wherever you are!

Can you make a donation of whatever you can afford to help bring this campaign to a WIN on Tuesday? Your donations go straight to efforts reaching out to voters at the doors, on the phones, and online in this crucial period before the primary!

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll instantly process your contribution to Michelle Vallejo:

Whether at Fiesta Edinburg, enjoying Toast of Texas in Seguin, blockwalking with us in McAllen, or sending us support through this email — let's make the most of our time ahead of the primary!

¡Vamos Por Quince!

Team Vallejo