You've probably seen the headlines.
Unfortunately, our Democratic Primary opponent has been raking in Republican dark money these past weeks, and national publications are catching wise. Here's what Alexander Sammon at Slate had to say:
Rep. Porter is now running for Senate; she endorsed Democratic state Sen. Dave Min as her successor in Orange County. But Baugh is back, and Republicans think it’s winnable: CA-47 is atop the National Republican Congressional Committee’s target list for a blue-to-red flip, and they’re ready to deluge the race with cash.
So it makes sense, too, that super PACs that are being funded by overwhelmingly Republican donors would be attracted to the race. The most prominent is called United Democracy Project PAC; it is one of the PACs affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. So far, the group has been funded overwhelmingly by billionaires and multimillionaires who are prominent backers of Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and Nikki Haley, and it has only spent in Democratic primaries to weaken Democrats or move the Democratic Party to the right.
UDP has now spent $4.5 million in the race attacking Min, the presumptive Democratic favorite, and boosting Joanna Weiss, his Democratic challenger. It’s the only race where UDP has spent substantially so far this cycle. The AIPAC-allied super PAC Democratic Majority for Israel is also spending in the race. (Though Min has not called for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, he has pushed for more accountability from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.)
That's a lot of money, folks. And unfortunately, it's coming from the same deep-pocket Republicans who've funded Trump's extremist agenda.
Luckily, recent polling still has us advancing into the top two confortably, but we can't take any chances. We need your help to finish this thing strong.
The most important thing we can do now is activate the deep and diverse community of support that Dave has been cultivating for years. But for those last GOTV pushes, we need donors like you to step up and contribute to those last mailers, walk literature, and mobilization texts.
We've got this--so long as you're with us.
Thanks for all you do.
- Team Min HQ