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Friend --
This was the last week of agency performance
oversight hearing season at the Council, usually a busy week as we
start to transition into considering next year's proposed budget,
coming from the Mayor to the Council on March 20. In addition to
chairing hearings with my committee, Transportation and the
Environment, my staff and I spent time in hearings focused on the
Deputy Mayor for Education, DC Public Schools, and the Department of
General Services.
Outside the Council hearings, it's been busy all across the Ward.
On Monday night, I joined the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly (SWNA)
to celebrate Black History Month and recognize the life and work of
Chuck Hicks (second from left in the photo), a Southwest neighbor and
passionate leader in memorializing and celebrating Black history. I've
known Chuck for a long time and have worked with him on many fronts,
including passing legislation to create a Juneteenth Commission here
in the District. It was great to celebrate him and spend time with so
many neighbors and leaders.
Before we get into the newsletter, I want to take a moment up top
to acknowledge the loss of DCist and WAMU staff this week. While I'm
relieved to see DCist will be available for the next year as a source
of record, we lost some really dedicated local journalists in the
layoffs. Good government thrives with a strong and free press, and my
hope is we see our local press corps rebound. Please don't take their
work for granted.
Let's dive in -- there are a lot of updates on public safety and
upcoming hearings I want to be sure you know about.
Quick Links: Public Safety
Update | Healthy Homes | DC Revenue Forecast | Downtown
Plan | SNAP Increase | Protect Historic Homes | Hearing on Pot Shops | RFK Bill
Advances | Traffic on 11th Street |
Morgan Kane | H Street Oral History Festival |
Street Sweeping | Road Closure MVT | Vacant Property Action | Great Ward 6 Spring Clean | Upcoming Office Hours | Tickets
Public Safety Update
Arrest in the Murder of Nasrat Ahmad Yar: Many
will remember the shocking murder of a former Afghan interpreter and
Lyft driver, who was killed at 11th and D Streets, NE on the Hill last
July. On Friday evening, MPD
announced the arrest of a 15-year-old in the case. During the
announcement, MPD confirmed the investigation continues into other
suspects. My deep appreciation to MPD and DC's Office of the Attorney
General for never giving up on the case. This murder was shocking and
traumatic for Mr. Yar's family and our entire community. I hope this
is a first step toward justice that provides some closure for his
Secure DC: On Tuesday, the Council will take a
second and final vote on the Secure DC legislation, which is an
omnibus bill containing a wide range of provisions focused on
improving public safety. It's a response DC needs to both add more
tools to both hold people accountable if they commit crimes and also
work on preventing violence in the first place. I continue to hear
from many neighbors about this bill - some in strong support and some
voicing concern about a few of the provisions. As I've shared before,
on the whole I support this bill because it has targeted provisions
that will make a difference on public safety in our city. Like any
consensus and compromise package, it includes things I strongly
support and others that I think we'll need to evaluate closely. In
particular, these are elements I'm most supportive of:
Mandatory Shooting Reviews: I added this part of the
bill to create two different gun violence review processes - one
bi-monthly meeting comprised of law enforcement partners and one
comprised of community and government agencies outside of law
enforcement. Both will review the details involved in every single
shooting in the District and coordinate a focused, informed response
to improve investigations, arrests, and prosecutions, as well as
prevention and rehabilitation after release. Shooting reviews are a
tool that by necessity demands coordination between government
agencies whose first instinct is to be siloed, and it's been adopted
successfully by many other cities that are driving down gun violence.
But DC hasn't and it's past time for the administration to catch up
with these tools that are working.
Expanding the District's Private Security Camera Program for
Local Businesses: This comes from a bill I introduced last
year to help more of our local businesses get exterior security
cameras and anti-theft devices to protect themselves and, in the event
of a break-in, get the necessary evidence to law enforcement. It
builds on the highly-popular program available for exterior cameras
for residents and businesses that I created many years ago. The main
difference here is we are expanding it to cover expenses for security
measures inside the building, whereas the current program is for
external cameras only.
Strengthening Carjacking Laws: This is a good example
of closing gaps in the law revealed by recent court rulings. I've
shared longer updates on this before, but Secure DC includes updated
language to help ensure behavior that should be considered carjacking
is actually considered part of that crime and can be charged that
Increased Gun Penalties from Last Year's Criminal Code Reform
Bill: Secure DC advances several proposals to close gaps in
our firearms laws. These had been included in the Council's massive
criminal code update bill last year and would already be law by now,
but Congress overturned it.
Evaluating Changes to Pre-Trial Detention: One
question I've gotten a few times about Secure DC is an amendment the
Council added at first vote related to the expansion of pre-trial
detention. Pre-trial detention is exactly what it sounds like -- being
detained in the DC Jail while you await your trial. In DC, judges
determine if someone is a risk to the community and should be
detained. In Secure DC, we're expanding the ability of judges to hold
someone in jail for certain serious crimes. At our first vote, the
Council also required an evaluation of this expansion after one year
so we can review if it's working the way we hope and if this authority
should be extended further. If people aren't actually being detained
under the change to the law, it's important to know that.
Barracks Row Safety Walk: Last Friday, I
brought together MPD's First District, DDOT's Street Lighting Team, DC
Health's Rat Abatement Team, Barracks Row Main Street, and the Office
of the Attorney General to hear concerns from businesses and residents
about security in the alley on the west side of 8th Street, SE. The
group assessed patrol routes for the First District, improved street
lighting for the entire alley, considered the potential for installing
security cameras, and led some good old fashioned rat abatement. My
team and I will stay focused on this spot to ensure we see
improvements as the weather warms.
DC Housing Authority Officer Shot, Suspect Arrested in Navy
Yard: On Thursday morning, MPD and DC Housing Authority
Police pursued a suspect after a reported attempted break-in. One DC
Housing Authority officer was shot but is thankfully recovering, and
the chase led to a scary lockdown around 4th and M Street, SE before
an arrest was made after significant work by both DC Housing Authority
Police and MPD. While this took place in the Ward 8 side of Navy Yard,
I know it was unnerving for Ward 6 families at Van Ness or just a few
blocks away. This is the second recent shooting involving law
enforcement officers in the line of duty, which is a sobering reminder
of the danger of their work and further evidence it is simply too easy
to get your hands on an illegal gun in this country.
NoMa BID Meeting on Public Safety: Earlier
this week, the NoMa BID pulled together an opportunity to discuss
public safety after last week's double shooting on M Street NE (MPD
has arrested both individuals involved), which was alarming for
everyone in the area and completely unacceptable. I joined a
discussion with Maura Brophy, the BID President, our 5th District
Commander Sylvan Altieri, and 1st District Commander Colin Hall. This
was a really productive and honest conversation, with many concerns
shared by our businesses. I shared updates from the Council and the
broader challenges and issues in the criminal justice system --
coordination issues with our federal partners, our crime lab's loss of
accreditation, and national police hiring challenges -- and what we're
doing about each. Both Commanders were able to share updates on
specific crimes and strategies they're using to target robberies and
car thefts, in particular. And those initiatives are having an impact,
as year-to-date crime numbers are down for that specific area overall.
That said, that doesn't mean anything if a crime takes place on your
block, and the urgency remains to ensure a safe environment for
everyone who lives, works, and visits NoMa.
Focused Patrol Efforts: Commander Hall shared recently that
he's begun a new partnership with WMATA Metro Transit Police to
implement foot patrols in Southwest Ward 6 around 4th and M Street SW.
Officers from both departments will work together in the early evening
to increase visibility and patrol the area around the Metro
Arrest Made in 22 Thefts from Vehicles: This week,
MPD announced an arrest of an individual that they've linked to 22
theft from auto charges. Most incidents seemed to involve stealing
tools from contractors' trucks or vans. This was an outstanding arrest
by 1st District officers, and the ability to link all these cases
shows how comprehensive the work of the detectives was, with many of
the cases happening in and around Capitol Hill and Mt. Vernon
Triangle. I'm glad to see this arrest made, and we'll follow the next
steps closely.
Work of ANC 6B on Public Safety: Some of
our ANCs have formed public safety committees in recent months, and I
wanted to highlight the work of one in particular. ANC 6B's committee
has been working on partnering with Potomac Gardens residents and
leaders to improve safety in and around the neighborhood, reviewing
legislation before the Council, and continuing to focus on 911
oversight. Their next meeting's scheduled for March 25, and you can find
more info about their membership and points of contact here.

March MPD Public Safety Walks: Check the graphic
to the right for the planned walks led by MPD and with other
government partners. I attend as many of these as I can and it's
always a great opportunity to troubleshoot specific areas or get
updates on recent crimes.
Want to Understand Adult Supervised Release?: DC's
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council is holding a panel
discussion in Eastern Market's North Hall to talk about adult
supervised release (both pre-trial and after being released from
prison). If you're interested in learning more about this part of our
federal-local system, I'd recommend attending or tuning
in on the live stream.
Healthy Homes Act Committee Vote Scheduled for Monday, March
On Wednesday morning, I announced that the
Council's Committee on Transportation and the Environment will vote on
the Healthy
Homes Act, a bill I introduced to retrofit 30,000 DC homes with
electric heat and appliances by 2040. The program is voluntary and
would cover some or all of the costs of doing the work to install heat
pumps and electric appliances like stoves and water heaters. I made
this announcement at a press conference hosted by a coalition of DC
residents advocating to block Washington Gas's PROJECTPipes, which is
a massive, expensive proposal to replace the pipes that deliver
methane gas across the District. You may recall I wrote a letter
with 10 of my colleagues urging the District's Public Service
Commission to deny the request, which would cost at least $672
million. All of the costs being passed on to you, the ratepayers. I
see Healthy Homes as part of that same effort in our goal to get as
many of our daily tasks electrified as possible, which is good for our
health, wallets, and climate change. You'll
be able to watch the hearing live here at 9am Monday.
To dive deeper, check out this piece in Greater
Greater Washington about how energy costs can be yet another
barrier to Black home ownership. The Healthy Homes Act is part of the
DC's Revenue Estimates Show Encouraging Signs
This week, DC's
Office of the Chief Financial Officer released its quarterly estimates
of our revenues. The CFO checks quarterly to compare actual
revenue (taxes, fees, fines, etc.) against their best guess. The
February report is always a key one because this is what we build our
budget around. And because of that, the CFO tends to make a slightly
more conservative estimate every February (since it's better to
underestimate your funding than overestimate it). So big picture, the
encouraging signs of economic activity have been increased consumer
spending and strong wage growth. And our population increased in the
last year, which is always a good sign -- more neighbors! But overall,
DC's economic growth lagged behind the US in general. Some of that
won't be surprising because our economy weathered the worst economic
days of the pandemic better than most other places, so we had less
room to grow in the first place. But it's something to be mindful of
in our work moving forward.
So what's the impact of the revenue estimates? Remember WMATA and
that massive fiscal cliff I've been telling you about? DC’s share of
fully funding the shortfall next year is about $200 million, on top of
what we put in already as our share of the regional cost. This
quarterly estimate by the CFO identifies $64M in new revenue, but even
if we took all of that new revenue and only put it toward the WMATA
financial gap, we still have $136M to find for WMATA. And that’s
assuming there aren’t other significant gaps and needs. I think the
takeaway is that the District’s economy is proving that it’s growing
and recovering – and really it’s the vibrant mixed-use neighborhoods
like the Wharf, NoMa, Capitol Hill and Barracks Row, Mt. Vernon
Triangle, and H Street that are keeping the economic engine going. But
that growth is hindered by what we see downtown, and an urgent
downtown recovery is necessary for the city overall. This budget will
be challenging. We shouldn't live in a scarcity mindset, as DC’s
economy is growing and we have important investments we need to make
in our residents, our small businesses, our schools, our
neighborhoods, and for our future. But this may be one of the most
consequential budgets the District has seen in a long time in terms of
solving the tough budget decisions in front of us.
Downtown Action Plan Update
On Monday, the Mayor announced the larger framework of a multi-year
plan to help transform downtown, outlining several years of budget
investments she's advocating for. I share the Mayor's urgency on
transforming downtown. As I noted above, the main drag on the
District's growth has been the multi-year shift in remote work that's
hit our dense, commercial-centric downtown hard. The opportunity to
transform won't happen overnight, and it'll require leadership. I'll
give the Mayor's proposal a serious read, especially when the finer
details come in. But I'm also mindful that while downtown is
important, we can't overlook providing support to our local businesses
in our neighborhood corridors, many of whom have stayed open despite
the challenge of the last few years. I want to be sure we aren't
overlooking our local businesses even as we rightly focus on
downtown's future. The
Post has a good piece on the rollout if you want to see
the Mayor's pitch for yourself.
'Give SNAP A Raise' Reaching Residents
In this year's budget, the Council identified funding to boost the
amount families using SNAP benefits receive. Those benefits are
finally starting to arrive, and I know they'll make a difference. The
increase will last through September. More from DC
News Now, and if you're a SNAP recipient in Ward 6, please
connect with my team if you aren't seeing a change in your benefits,
and we can check on it. The delay in receiving these benefits came
after the Mayor wouldn't implement the increase once it was passed by
the Council in the budget - here's
a recap from DCist from earlier this year.
Related: Another way to boost your income if
you're a parent and earned less than $63,393 per year is to file your
taxes! I created an expansion of a tax credit for lower-wage families
that is in place now. All you have to do is file your taxes, and if
you're eligible, you'll receive additional funds each month. Learn
more here. Single filers without a child may be eligible, but the
federal tax credit this is based off on focuses on families for the
majority of its benefits.
Hearing for Historic Preservation Enforcement Bill Set for March
As some of you may remember, after a historic home
was nearly demolished in the Capitol Hill neighborhood earlier this
year, we reached out to the Office of Planning to learn more about the
District’s enforcement of our historic preservation laws. We learned
that fines imposed for violations of the District’s historic
preservation laws aren’t nimble enough to account for the severity of
the violation and can easily be absorbed as a cost of doing business
by a property owner, developer, or contractor. For example, the
current $4,187 fine covers all kinds of bad behavior, from a violation
of repointing, or repairing the joints in brickwork, to outright
demolition and substantial alterations of a historic home. This isn’t
right. A property owner can easily absorb the cost, and we get a
destroyed historic home and a diminished historic district
This bill would make it so the current fees vary by severity. For
more serious cases where there's been a substantial demolition,
alteration, or new construction, this legislation would create a new
fine that would start at $10,000 and go up to $100,000 per violation.
Hill Corner wrote about the bill back when I introduced
Relatedly, I know some of you have raised the number of enforcement
officers at the Office of Planning and Department of Buildings and the
lack of nominees to the Historic Preservation Review Board as serious
issues that are also plaguing our overall enforcement scheme in the
historic preservation space. I agree, and the hearing, along with OP’s
and DOB’s budget oversight hearings, will be an excellent opportunity
to raise these issues so we can take this on Ward-wide.
How to testify: Sign
up here by March 25 at 5pm.
Hearing for Permanent Bill on Enforcement Against Illegal Pot
I worked with many Ward 6 ANCs to draft a bill to increase
enforcement against illegally operating, so-called cannabis “gifting”
shops - and an emergency version of the bill passed in January. But I
need you to speak out - especially our H Street and Barracks Row
neighbors - as the Council has scheduled a hearing on the permanent
version of the bill next Wednesday, March 6 at 9am. As a reminder,
illegal cannabis shops had the ability to apply to become
lawfully-operating medical cannabis businesses over the past few
months, and those applications have been going through public and ANC
comment. But for the illegal shops that don't apply and keep their
doors open, there hasn't been teeth in the law until now for the DC
government to really go after them. So the bill I wrote allows:
- The Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration to extend the
45-calendar day public comment for ANC feedback on a medical cannabis
license by an additional 30-calendar days;
- ANCs within 600 feet of the establishment to protest the issuance
of a medical cannabis license;
- ABCA to enforce against unlicensed establishments that don’t apply
to be a part of the Medical Cannabis Program by issuing warnings,
fines, and cease-and-desist orders to those establishments as well as
commercial property owners where these establishments are
- ABCA to hold unlicensed establishments liable for holding
themselves out as “I-71 compliant” or displaying signage or imagery
that advertises or relates to cannabis, cannabis products, or the
prices of cannabis or cannabis products;
- OAG to bring a “nuisance” action in Superior Court against
unlicensed establishments that aren't in the Medical Cannabis Program;
- ABCA to examine the books and records of an establishment and
receive notifications from other agencies about violations of these
other agencies’ rules, specifically, the Fire and Emergency Medical
Services Department, Office of Tax and Revenue, Department of
Licensing and Consumer Protection, and the Metropolitan Police
If you'd like to testify on the permanent bill or follow along, you
can sign
up here by March 4 at 5pm.
RFK Bill Advances Out of House, Heads to the Senate
On Wednesday evening, the US House of
Representatives passed a bill that would transfer control of the
entire RFK Campus to the District (good
recap from the Post). It was a bipartisan vote, with 384
in favor. You might think, with this Congress especially, what's the
catch? As best as I can tell, there is no catch. This is a good thing,
as it hands control of this important stretch of land over to DC with
no requirement for a stadium and clears the way to build more city --
with locally elected officials and residents deciding how the land
would be best used. Whatever that site holds, it should be a local
decision. The bill still needs to advance in the Senate. But should
this come to pass, it strikes me as a good step forward in ensuring
something happens with RFK. Obviously you know my stance that a
stadium there is a bad idea, especially if the deal requires the use
of DC tax dollars. And depending on how things shake out with the
Wizards and Capitals in Virginia, you can expect the political urgency
to bring in a new sports team will only ramp up among team
A few years ago, I started a campaign to fight a stadium returning
to RFK. Now that it looks like the real debate might be kicking off,
if you want to stay updated, sign up here: HailNoRFK.com
Slowing Down Traffic on 11th Street SE Near Two Schools
Thanks to WTOP for covering the challenges parents
and students face navigating the stretch of 11th Street, SE just north
of 695 -- and especially for telling
the story of how our wonderful neighbor Allison McGill puts herself on
the line to ensure kids can get to Shirley Chisholm Elementary and
Digital Pioneers Academy each morning. That's not acceptable, and I
partnered with ANC 6B to lead a safety walk earlier this month with
neighbors, DDOT, and DPW to look at the road design and demand change.
Those changes are desperately needed to provide short- and long-term
updates to this stretch of road.
Happy Retirement to Former First District Commander Morgan
This week, I joined the Southwest
BID for a celebration of former MPD 1st District Commander and MPD
Assistant Chief Morgan Kane, who recently retired from the force
after a long career serving the District. While she was in charge of
the 1st District, then-Commander Kane and I worked together daily, and
I always appreciated her approach to the job and her dedication to
Ward 6 specifically. She's not going far and now has an incredible
opportunity at the Smithsonian Museums. I wish you all the best in
your next steps, Chief!
H Street Oral History Festival - March 16 + 17
From our friends at the Mosaic Theater Company at
the Atlas Performing Arts Center, comes the H
Street Oral History Festival in March. You can take in
plays and readings based on a multi-year process to collect the oral
history of H Street NE. Tickets are free, but RSVP is required.
Street Sweeping Is Back! Don't Forget to Move Your Car.
On Friday, March 1, regular weekly street sweeping resumed.
Everyone gets a warning for one week before ticketing resumes. So be
sure you remind yourself of the date and time if you live on streets
that receive street sweeping services. Info
here on the program overall.
Upcoming Road Closure for Mt. Vernon Triangle
Passing along this road closure notification from DDOT: "The
District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is scheduled to begin
roadway maintenance work which includes concrete work on Massachusetts
Avenue NW from I (Eye) Street NW to 6th Street NW starting on or about
Wednesday, March 6, 2024, weather permitting. The roadway project is
anticipated to be completed by Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Temporary
lane closures are to be expected with one travel lane remaining
Constituent Services Win - Tackling a Vacant Property in Hill
I posted on Instagram
about a visit I made to talk with neighbors about a vacant
property. It's been both vacant and blighted, and I walked the site
with ANC Commissioner LaFortune and several neighbors to see just how
bad it had gotten. There were broken windows, unsecured doors, and
leaking water. Happy to report we got the Department of Buildings out
there quickly, and they've boarded up the home and secured it from
people coming in and out. Next step is getting this home back into
productive use, because even secured, it's still not doing anyone any
good as a vacant property, and we want to see this house returned to a
place to call home. A big thanks to Kimberly Kennedy on my team, our
partners at DOB and MPD for the assistance, and the neighbors we're
working with.
The Great Ward 6 Spring Clean Returns on April 6!
That's right - we're getting close enough to spring
and warmer weather that it's time to save the date for our third
annual Great Ward 6 Spring Clean! Each year, this has grown bigger and
bigger, and it's a great reason to come together as a community and
roll up our sleeves. The way it works is pretty simple: my team will
coordinate a few main sites for clean up around Ward 6, and we welcome
anyone who wants to join us there. But if you'd like to pick a spot
(maybe it's just your street or alley) and organize it yourself, we're
happy to support you and send neighbors your way. We had 12 sites last
year, but I know we can do better! Let's show Ward 6 some love! RSVP
here to be included in the planning.
Mt. Vernon Triangle Office Hours - March 22
Join me and my team for an evening office hours at Bar Chinois in
Mt. Vernon Triangle from 4:30-6 pm on Friday, March 22. RSVP
here. And thanks to neighbors in NoMa who joined me at Chopsmith
on Friday morning -- it's always a great way to start the day
having coffee and chatting with folks.
Wizards Tickets Giveaway
You made it to the end! We're giving away two tickets in the DC
Council suite at the Capital One Arena for the March 21 Wizards game
against the Kings. Ward 6 residents can just reply to this email, and
we'll enter you in the raffle.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen