In one year, voters will be headed to the polls to decide North Dakota’s next U.S. Senator.

With Senate Republicans trying to gut Social Security and sabotage our democracy – the stakes could not be higher.

I KNOW we can flip North Dakota blue, help Democrats expand their Senate Majority, and send extreme Republican Kevin Cramer packing. But first, I need to:

  • Build a robust state-wide field program
  • Run world-class voter turnout ads
  • Register scores of new voters

I won’t lie to you – all of this won’t be cheap, but it’s critical to our victory.

I don’t like asking you for money. I know how hard you work for every cent in your pocket. But I am asking because our chance to win this race depends on it.

That’s why I’m officially launching my Election Year Membership Drive today to compete with Cramer’s deep pockets and fully fund my campaign to defeat him. So I’m calling on 1,500 folks to step up and become an Election Year Member before midnight. If we fall short and Cramer wins another six years in power, we’ll never forgive ourselves. Can I count on you to rush any amount and become an Election Year Member? It would mean so much to see your name on my list of supporters. >>

Election Year Member
FOR: John xxxxxx
ID: #128806443

Suggested Support: $15 >>

John, I know it seems early to be asking for donations.

I know it seems like we just had an election.

But Kevin Cramer already has special-interest donors ready to spend millions to take me down.

If we don’t act fast to build an unstoppable foundation for victory, our chances to win this race will disappear.

So please, John – can I count on you to rush in $15 before midnight and become an Election Year Member? I don’t take a penny of Corporate PAC money, so every single dollar makes a world of difference.

Chip in $15 now >>
Chip in $25 now >>
Chip in $50 now >>
Chip in $100 now >>
Chip in another amount now >>

Thanks for your support,


Friends of Katrina Christiansen
P.O. Box 833
Jamestown, ND 58402
United States

Paid for by Friends of Katrina Christiansen
Katrina Christiansen is tired of career politicians who put special interest cash above the needs of hardworking families. That’s why she’s running for U.S. Senate to ensure no family has to choose between paying for essential medication and putting food on the table.

Katrina doesn’t take a penny of Corporate PAC money, so she’s relying on support from grassroots donors to fund her campaign and compete with Republicans’ deep pockets. Will you chip in any amount before midnight to help Katrina defeat Republican special interests and flip this seat for everyday North Dakotans?

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