In case you missed it, two
presidential nominee hopefuls made the trip to the border earlier this
week. One talked about how to actually improve things, and the other
talked about a three-year-old “stolen” election. One talked about
fixing what’s broken at the border, and the other talked about how
Spanish is a fabricated language. One called for unity, and one called
for division. Want to take a guess on who said what?

There was a real leader on one
side. One who puts the people of America first, does his job well, and
genuinely wants to fix the problems that his citizens face every day.
This is Joe Biden. The man who went to the border not to play
politics, but to urge his colleagues to work together and fix what’s
broken. President Biden is a true commander in chief.
On the other side, we had a fool. A
laughingstock. A disgrace to the United States of America. Trump went
to the border to play politics. It was all the usual fearmongering
with no attempt at real solutions. He’s stalling until November
because his ego can’t take another blow. He knows he’s in trouble, and
it shows.
This is one of the best
side-by-side comparisons we’ve had of the two names that will be on
the ballot in November. One side is building a better future for
America, and the other side is just trying to stay out of prison and
make a few bucks. To us, the choice is clear. Chip
in to help us make it clear to every voter in the
-The Lincoln Project