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On my weekly "Capitol Hill Report," I spoke with Ed Funston of KILR in Estherville and Dale Wegner with the Sac Sun about the phase 3 legislation to combat the coronavirus, trade and ag issues. 

New Video: We Iowans Pull Together


Q&A: Small Business Pandemic Relief

Q. What’s Congress doing to help small businesses stay afloat during the pandemic? 
Q. What help is available through the Small Business Administration (SBA)? 

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I'm pleased to report that the bipartisan CARES Act finally passed the Senate on Wednesday by a vote of 96-0This legislation will deliver recovery checks to help individuals and families cover their immediate expenses. It also helps businesses of all sizes keep employees on the payroll and beefs up unemployment insurance. 

This serious health crisis has quickly become a serious economic crisis. Every hour, more businesses are closing their doors. Every hour, families are being forced to figure out how they are going to pay the bills. But twice, Democrats blocked votes to even let us debate this relief package. It's a package we worked on in a bipartisan way for days and I know you're tired of the partisanship. I'm glad we were finally able to move past this brinkmanship and the CARES Act is now law. 

If you have questions about the recovery checks that are a part of the CARES Act, I've put together a FAQ that addresses the most common questions. Check that out here. 

Iowans continue to show the best of our nation in these uncertain times. Thank you to all of the medical professionals and first responders on the front lines of this pandemic. I also want to extend my thanks to many farmers and ranchers who are producing food to fill the shelves of every grocery store and the fridges and cupboards of American homes. 

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