DC Poor People's Campaign Livestream starting now.

Today, the DC Poor People's Campaign is joining a day of nationally coordinated direct action in 32 state capitals and Washington DC.


Watch the livestream here: facebook.com/DCMoralRevival [facebook.com] on SATURDAY March 2 starting at 10:30 am


We're joining together to further the campaign and highlight the policies being promulgated in state houses across the country that are hurting the poor or distracting from addressing the real issues facing poor and low-wage people.


Reply to this email if you're interested in getting involved with the campaign in DC as we launch a 40 week season of action mobilizing, organizing, registering, and educating poor and low-wage infrequent voters. We’re taking back the mic, lifting our voices, and registering our votes as demands!


Forward together, not one step back!

DC Poor People's Campaign Coordinating Committee


Instagram: @DCPoorPeoplesCampaign

X: @WashingtonDCPPC

FB: @DCPoorPeoplesCampaign