
Hello John,


Join us every Tuesday at 4:30pm throughout the month of March, beginning March 4th, for this phone bank to New York voters as we work together to advocate for more equitable educational funding and universal child care in New York. Whether you can participate every week or just one day, for the full hour or just a few minutes, whatever time you can share with us will be appreciated as we work together to advocate for more equitable educational funding and child care in New York.

The proposed budget, particularly the cut to Foundation Aid, raises concerns for high-need districts, which serve as crucial lifelines for our most marginalized communities. The expiration of federal COVID-era funds in September adds urgency, demanding immediate state-level interventions.


Though there wasn't a single mention in the Governor’s budget proposal, child care continues to be vital for New York families. We are demanding thriving wages for child care educators, supporting "decoupling" legislation for full-time access, and calling on legislators to make sure that all kids have access to child care programs, regardless of immigration status. 


As legislative leaders finalize the state budget, now is the time to act! Join our phone bank to advocate for an inclusive and accessible public education and child care system for all of New York’s working families.