March 2, 2024
Dear Friends,
This week, I returned to Washington to a GOP Congress once again unable to fulfill one of its most basic duties — enacting a federal budget. For the fourth time this Congress, Republican obstruction and infighting brought our nation to the brink of a government shutdown that would have forced hundreds of thousands of federal employees — including our active duty servicemembers — to work without pay, while severely limiting access to a wide range of federal services. I’m grateful to President Biden and Democratic leadership for advancing a deal which temporarily avoided that devastating outcome. But make no mistake — this is yet another instance of the House GOP kicking the can down the road and dodging their responsibility to address the most important issues facing our nation and the world.
Throughout this Congress, House Republicans have shown themselves to be utterly incapable of basic governance. Constant chaos and shutdown threats have ground most legislation to a complete halt, making the 118th Congress one of the least productive in modern history. Time and again, GOP incompetence has prevented us from taking action on the priorities the American people have tasked us with addressing — from comprehensive immigration reform to reauthorization of the critical Farm Bill. Now, the consequences of Republican ineptitude are being felt far beyond our borders, on the battlefields of Ukraine, where our allies are still fighting bravely to preserve their democracy against Russian aggression.
Last weekend marked two years since the start of Vladimir Putin’s vicious, unprovoked attack on Ukraine and its people. Since Russia’s brutal invasion began, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, and millions more have been displaced from their homes. Over the past two years, I’ve been heartbroken to hear the stories of so many Ukrainian Americans in our Capital Region who are living in fear for their families and friends. Yet amidst all the tragedy, I’ve also been inspired by incredible acts of Ukrainian courage and resilience. I’m proud to support the brave people of Ukraine in their fight to defend their democracy and win their freedom. And over the weekend, I stood alongside fellow supporters of Ukraine to commemorate this solemn anniversary and to reiterate my commitment to stand by our ally as it fights back against tyranny.
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, my Democratic colleagues and I have advanced several funding bills, each signed into law by President Biden, that delivered $113 billion in critical aid for our allies in Ukraine. In addition to desperately needed weapons, ammunition, and other military equipment, these bills also included significant humanitarian and economic assistance to support Ukrainian civilians who have had their lives so disrupted by this war. American assistance has been vital in allowing Ukraine to withstand the Russian assault thus far. But shamefully, House Republicans are now turning their backs on Ukraine in its hour of greatest need.
With previous aid packages now running out, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told a visiting delegation of U.S. Senators earlier this month that more assistance is needed within a month in order to keep Russian forces at bay. In response to that dire warning, the Senate advanced a new package containing $60 billion in new aid for Ukraine, passing the bill by a wide bipartisan margin of 70-29. But despite reports of Ukrainian soldiers rationing ammunition and even withdrawing from major cities due to uncertainty over continued U.S. assistance, Speaker Johnson and his far-right allies are refusing to even bring the bill to the House floor for a vote. In a stunning abdication of responsibility, House Republicans are pulling the rug out from under the Ukrainian people at the worst possible time.
This war is not only about the future of democracy in Ukraine — it’s also about protecting democracy around the world. If we fail to come to Ukraine’s aid, it will send a message to Vladimir Putin and every other dictator across the globe that the United States is unwilling or unable to honor our commitments to our allies. House Republicans must set aside the political stunts and join us in sending a different message — that America will always stand as a xxxxxx against tyranny. The world is watching, and the time to act is now.
As always, thank you for reading.
Your friend,

My office and I are working to make sure you remain informed with the latest updates and recommendations from federal agencies. With that in mind, here is some information that may be of interest to you:
- Last week, I visited Creative Kids Childcare Center in Albany to highlight my ongoing efforts to expand the Child Tax Credit (CTC), lifting children out of poverty and helping families pay for childcare and other essentials.
- Currently, the Child Tax Credit helps families with qualifying children receive a tax break of up to $2,000 per child.
- As I work to improve this vital benefit, there are also a number of other benefits that families can take advantage of this tax filing season, including the Child and Dependent Care Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and more.
- To help parents and families navigate this filing season, I’ve created an informational flyer to help you learn more about the benefits available to you.
- Click HERE to take a closer look at these tax credits that can save parents thousands of dollars each year!