Brothers, Sisters, and Siblings,


Let's GOTV and elect labor champions!

We are in the final days before the March 5th election and corporations have made it very clear - they're not afraid to pour in millions against the Labor Movement's endorsed candidates running for office.

That's why our labor program to Get Out The Vote is so important. In a low turnout election, you can make double the difference! For every door we knock, phone call we make, and voter we turn out to the polls, we can have increased impact and elect our worker champions!

Labor councils up and down the state are going all out to turnout our members for the March 5 Primary. ?Can we count on you to join us and pick up a shift on Saturday, March 2nd, and Tuesday, March 5th? Start times and staging locations are available here and on our website. Click below to sign up to GOTV with your local labor council to ensure our voices are heard!

See you out there!

In Solidarity,

California Labor Federation