Dear Friend,
Our Shepherd, Cardinal Burke
offered the Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass this morning at the
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin for all of the
intentions of the Rosary Warriors, as well as those who submitted
petitions from around the world.
The homily His Eminence preached
was rich in truth and wisdom. Something to be read over and over
again, especially when we begin to feel discouraged.
Here is the link to view the entire
Holy Mass: https://guadalupeshrine.vids.io/videos/4490d7b31b17e2c4cd/cardinal-burke-mass-on-march-1-2024
The homily begins at
‘The Lenten battle which we are
engaged is indeed an intensification of the daily struggle which
belongs to each of us in taking up the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
following Him and overcoming in ourselves the temptations to sin and
overcoming the forces of evil with the grace of Christ, through the
grace of Christ.”
“It’s the same way today, man wants
to be God and has the pretense to decide for himself when life begins
and ends then, instead as clearly is the case, life is a gift from God
and calls us into being at the appropriate time and call us home to
Himself, to that destiny of that destiny of our earthly pilgrimage,
which is eternal life. This way too, now man has the pretense to
decide his own nature and go against the gift of life itself and its
peculiarities, which is the gift of life, and man has the pretense to
mutilate himself, to try to configure himself in his own image instead
of living in the joy and peace of being an image of God, an image and
likeness of God.
“What is the goal of Lenten prayer,
fasting and almsgiving – to once again turn to Our Lord, to once
again, place our hearts in His Most Sacred Heart, with that poverty of
spirit, by which we recognize that all we are and have is a gift from
God, that we are His steward, we rejoice in being a steward, and we
strive each day, to serve His faithfully and to render glory to Him
and in this way too, to serve our brothers and sisters in their
eternal salvation through our prayers. Especially, we place ourselves
before God pleading to Him all that we need to be good and faithful
servants and at the same time trusting that His grace will not be
lacking for us, if we strive to do His will in all things. If we
remain with Him as He comes to us as God the Son, as Our Lord Jesus
Christ. He is present with us in Holy Church, especially in this Holy
Mass which I am offering this morning for our Prayer Warriors and
those who engage daily in praying the Holy Rosary for the many graces
that are needed in the world today. They fulfill their stewardship in
a very beautiful way through this warfare, this evil and sin – using
the great instrument of the Holy Rosary.”
“We offer the Holy Mass for all who
participate in this Storm Heaven Campaign and our Rosary Warriors as
this First Friday of the month, we contemplate in particular the joy
in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and recognize the victory of the Heart of
Jesus over sin and death, particularly today when Satan seems to be
truly on the rampage. And the condition of the world and the Church is
very grave, with so much corruption, so much rebellion against God, so
much violence, so much death. We can feel rather hopeless and many do
become greatly discouraged as I confess that I myself suffer these
temptations and discouragement. But when we look upon the Heart of
Jesus we immediately see His victory, for the Heart of Jesus is the
Heart of Christ the King, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, who has
conquered sin and death. And if we remain in Him and we strive to be
holy in His company, with the help of Our Blessed Mother and all the
saints, we can be confident that in seemingly impossible situations
will be transformed according to God’s design for the salvation of
souls, for His glory.”
Cardinal Burke also spoke about the 9 Month Novena to Our
Lady of Guadalupe, which begins on March 12, nine months before the feast day of Our
Lady of Guadalupe and will end on the December 12 feast day – invoking
the intercession of the Mother of God in these very dark times, to
bring us to the light, to bring us to the salvation, to bring us to
her Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, even as she did in 1531 when
she appeared to St. Juan Diego. His Eminence then invited everyone to
sign up to receive the official novena prayer and to say that prayer
daily. We can trust that Our Lady will not fail to intercede for us
and also trust that Our Lord will hear her prayers.
“Join me, Rosary Warriors, in this
novena for this nation, for this critical time, for the whole world is
beset by so much violence, death and corruption. And for the Church
herself, that she might be more perfectly the light of Christ in the
world, drawing all peoples to Him, who alone is our
Join the 9 Month Novena to Our Lady of
Guadalupe: https://novena.cardinalburke.com/
May the Heart of Jesus, the
treasure-house of all wisdom and knowledge, have mercy on us and on
the whole world.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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