Never before has it been so starkly undeniable that our fates as individuals, as nations, and as a world are inseparable

Tulsi Gabbard for President

Aloha Jack —

I pray this email finds you and your loved ones safe and well.

Never before has it been so starkly undeniable that our fates as individuals, as nations, and as a world are inseparable. It will take all of us working together to defeat this global pandemic, relying on the very best of humanity to shine through and connect and unite us at a time when it would be just as easy to succumb to fear, isolation, and destructive division.

With that in mind, I want to take a moment now to first and foremost urge you to take — and to encourage your friends, neighbors and family to also take — all the necessary preventative precautions required to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. Also, here is some information you can share about new measures Congress just passed that will provide some relief to those who need it most while we continue to address the growing challenges the pandemic poses to our health, safety, and economy:

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Watch here:

I am deeply inspired by and grateful for the countless examples of service above self — the abundance of courage, compassion, and strength — that I see every day as Americans step up to take care of each other despite fear and uncertainty.

Our heroic front line healthcare workers who are leaving their families behind every day, often self-quarantining from their own spouses and children, to put their lives on the line to test and treat strangers they swore an oath to serve.

My fellow service members in the National Guard who are activating and serving in their home states across the country to meet this new threat head-on. The essential service workers feeding our nation, delivering and producing essential goods, reinventing their businesses to keep us fit and healthy online.

Your neighbors and friends who are volunteering online, delivering groceries and picking up prescriptions for vulnerable members of the community who cannot. People giving blood, and those donating money to organizations helping those who have been hit hardest by this crisis. Parents keeping their children safe. The care providers looking after our most at-risk populations. There is no shortage of people demonstrating the spirit of aloha, and the immense ingenuity and strength of our nation and the American people. We need to keep it up.

Far too much of the existing concern around COVID-19’s impact in the media and by our government leaders has been focused on bailing out the big end of town, making the same old tired trickle-down arguments we’ve seen time and time again. The American people don’t have time to wait for relief, they need it now to make ends meet. I am continuing to urge my colleagues to remain focused on what we can do now to serve the American people. Now is not the time for politics; now is the time for leaders to step up and stand together.

The coming weeks and months will test all of us — but I have great faith that when We, The People, work side-by-side with compassion, love, and strength, we can accomplish anything. We can defeat this virus and come out not only stronger, but more compassionate, empathetic and connected as a nation and a world than ever before.

With hope and determination —
Tulsi Gabbard