Get ready for the Moral March to State House Assemblies

Dear John,


Tomorrow is a solemn assembly, dedicated to the 800 people who die each day in America from poverty and low wages. Nobody ever calls their name or challenges this political violence. 


Tomorrow, we remember people like Pamela, Jade and Stanley, the young lady who lost 25 members of her family, the mother whose child died from lack of healthcare-members in our movement who died over the past few years from the ravages of poverty.

For two hours our focus and called action will be on them and the millions of brothers, sisters, and siblings who are still fighting to survive the policy violence that is killing so many people. If you went to a funeral every single day, it would take 600 years to attend all of the funerals of people who will die from the ravages of policy violence, poverty, and low wages in 2024 alone. We are holding them up to show the nation why we must be a resurrection, not an insurrection. They are why we must wake up the sleeping giant of infrequent voters. 


As you come tomorrow, consider bringing a photo of someone you know who, if it were’t for policy violence, denial of healthcare, and lack of living wages, would still be living. As we remember them, we will go forth determined to fight to abolish unnecessary death. We will own our power and the strength of our vote.


We are a RESURRECTION, not an insurrection. 

Join us tomorrow in-person or virtually for the Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Simultaneous State House Assemblies.

Forward Together, Not One Step Back,


National Field Team, on behalf of Campaign Co-Chairs


Bishop William J. Barber, II

National Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign

President & Senior Lecturer of Repairers of the Breach


Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

National Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign

Director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice