Social Security is the most successful social program in history, having cut poverty among seniors from 50% to 10%. It’s still too high, but a critical improvement over the last 90 years.
Republicans claim they want to “save” Social Security, but their plans range from cutting this vital program to privatizing it. Now they’re trying to force through a “fiscal commission” to cut our earned benefits behind closed doors so that voters won’t know who to blame.
In order to actually save Social Security and end poverty among people of all ages, we need to expand benefits for millions of people—and pay for it by finally asking the wealthy to pay their fair share.
Unfortunately, right now Social Security contributions are capped after you earn your first $168,600. That means that while 94% of workers pay into Social Security on all of their income, all year long, the wealthy do not. And this week marks the week where millionaires stop paying into Social Security for the year.
Add your name now to demand that we scrap the cap on Social Security contributions and finally make millionaires pay their fair share.
In the House, I’m an original co-sponsor of the Social Security Expansion Act to increase Social Security benefits, extend the lifespan of the trust fund, and pay for it by having the wealthy finally start paying their fair share.
If passed, the bill would increase Social Security’s annual benefits by $2,400, increase the Cost of Living Adjustment to better reflect the spending patterns of seniors, and increase the Special Minimum Benefit to help keep low- and no-income workers out of poverty in retirement.
This bill would also extend the lifespan of the Social Security trust fund by 75 years to keep Social Security’s promise for generations to come. And it’s completely paid for by scrapping the payroll tax cap on income over $250,000―finally asking the wealthy to pay more of their fair share into Social Security.
Click here to add your name and demand millionaires and billionaires pay into Social Security all year long, just like most working people already do.
Together, we’re pushing to end poverty and to build a society that puts seniors and working people first. I’m also advocating to end childhood poverty and end youth homelessness, all through direct payments to help people thrive.
Always serving you,