Friend, We’re now less than a week until the State of the Union and already 5,000 People For members have signed our petition calling for President Biden to celebrate his progress on filling judicial vacancies and calling on the Senate to confirm more – but your name is missing. There are signs our pressure is getting through to White House officials, too! In fact, White House Deputy Communications Director, Herbie Ziskend, recently tweeted out People For President Svante Myrick’s op-ed celebrating President Biden’s progress on judicial nominees and urging him to use the State of the Union to encourage even more progress! It’s clear that the administration knows we’re paying attention and that we expect them to continue pressing the case for confirmations of their judicial nominees. Once you’ve signed, encourage your friends and loved ones to do the same! The more we can encourage President Biden to mention judicial nominees during the State of the Union, the better! Thanks for all that you do, Zach, People For ----[previous message]---- Friend, For years, Donald Trump – aided by Senator Mitch McConnell – stacked our federal courts (and the Supreme Court) with far-right ideologues that they knew would rubberstamp their extremist agenda. Throughout that time and ever since, we’ve experienced the consequences of these right-wing nominations: erosion of our fundamental rights and freedoms and rulings that favor corporations, the wealthy, and well-connected – while running roughshod over everyday Americans. We knew that to overcome these setbacks, it was urgent that President Biden nominate fair-minded judges to fill vacancies across the judiciary, and thankfully he’s made incredible progress: confirming more than 175 federal judges to lifetime seats on the bench. While we celebrate the progress made so far, we must continue to push for more confirmations to fill the vacancies across the judiciary. This is why I am reaching out to urge you to take action and sign our petition calling on President Biden to prioritize judicial confirmations during his upcoming State of the Union address. >> The State of the Union presents a crucial opportunity for President Biden to emphasize the importance of a fully functioning judiciary in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of all Americans. As People For president Svante Myrick put it in a recent op-ed:
By urging President Biden to highlight the need for more confirmations, we can ensure that this issue remains at the forefront of the national conversation and that the Senate is compelled to take swift action. Your support in signing this petition will send a powerful message to President Biden and lawmakers that the American people are committed to a fair and impartial judiciary. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our courts reflect the diversity and values of our nation. Thanks for all that you do to restore balance and integrity to our federal judiciary. – People For the American Way
[1] "OP-ED: President Biden deserves a well-earned victory lap on judges" The Hill, 2/12/24