The footprints of an angel are love, and where there is love, miraculous things can happen. I've seen it.
Friends, you might not know this, but "Angels in the Outfield" was one of my favorite childhood movies. The character JP has inspired me for decades - his belief that, "It could happen" has stuck with me long into my adult life. The very heart of this movie was the inspiration for our No Foot Too Small Angels in the Outfield program.
Over the last eleven years, I've felt immense love + witnessed miraculous connection, healing + celebration. The footprints of our angels are at work every day, and I promise you, I see it.
Angels in the Outfield holds a special place in my heart. It's not a 'charity event'…it is an epic celebration of angels and uniting of families, all the while funding the very programs + resources No Foot Too Small provides thousands of grieving parents every single year.
And with that...we've kickoff our 2024 season! Don't wait to register YOUR team. Everyone's FAVORITE custom angel AITO shirts and jerseys go on sale this MONDAY…but you must have a team to place an order. 
Bella and Ben would tell you that this event is one they look forward to year after year after year. We'll be waiting to share the experience with each and every one of you.
Block 6th
What's more? Our 2024 golf events are LIVE too!
It's now been 6 years of hosting our NFTS golf events across the state of Iowa but I remember vividly the day Ryan said, “You know what? We should host a golf event.” And I laughed, “Yea, WE SHOULD.” The self-proclaimed “idea-guy” just added more work to MY plate. But he wasn't wrong. That one golf event in Iowa City has grown into 5 golf events spanning the state of Iowa. From Des Moines to Cedar Valley to Dubuque and back to Iowa City!  Would you believe me if I told you some of our tournaments are already selling out? If you are planning to play in our Golf Classic or any of the Angel Invitationals across the state, reserve your team ASAP. We're about to have some FUN.
Block 12th
I am so very excited for all No Foot Too Small has in store for YOU in 2024!  Thank you for trusting us, supporting us, and joining us in celebrating angels!
The latest on Instagram
Made with love in Flodesk.