A new ADL survey found that nearly a quarter of Americans hold antisemitic beliefs and younger generations are more likely to believe in antisemitic tropes than older ones. Leaders at the University of California, Berkeley denounced an anti-Israel protest targeting an event organized by Jewish students, where demonstrators broke through the doors and choked a female student, forcing police to evacuate attendees and a speaker from Israel for their safety. And ADL joined the Brandeis Center for Human Rights in filing a Title VI complaint against the Berkeley Unified School District for rampant antisemitism.
Read on for more on these headlines, news you can use to fight hate and the latest info about ADL from around the country.
New ADL poll: Antisemitism closely tied to receptivity to conspiracy theories
“The two leading predictors of antisemitic belief are conspiratorial thinking and the notion that some groups in society should be more dominant than others, according to a poll by the Anti-Defamation League released on Thursday that looked at how antisemitism has changed in scope, nature and implications in the wake of unprecedented levels rising in the U.S. since Oct. 7. The poll also found that maintaining a belief system that divides the world into “oppressors” and “oppressed” strongly correlates with antisemitism Jewish Insider
+READ: 24% of Americans Harbor Extensive Antisemitic Prejudice, Up From 20% in 2022, Survey Finds
+WATCH: We need to overhaul DEI to combat rising antisemitism, says ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt
Antisemitic harassment of Jewish students leads to federal complaint against Berkeley Unified
“The Anti-Defamation League has filed a federal complaint against the Berkeley Unified School District, alleging officials ignored the bullying and harassment of their Jewish students.The harassment has led some families to decide to move out of the district. The mother of one student talked to CBS News Bay Area about the treatment her daughter received and the district's inaction."I'm sorry that we even have to be having this conversation," said parent Chiara Juster. "This is not about politics at all. This is about a school district that's failing to keep their children safe.".CBS NEWS:
+READ: Brandeis Center/ADL/StandWithUs Launch Pro-Bono K-12 Antisemitism Helpline