
We are proud to announce the launch of a project that has been a labor of love: Organize Your Organization! is a first-of-its-kind initiative to build worker power in the nonprofit sector, because if you have a cause, you need a union.

As workers who have unionized our own workplaces, and supported organizing efforts in others, our goal is to make the stressful task of unionizing less daunting for you and your coworkers. In Organize Your Organization! A guide to unionizing your nonprofit workplace, you’ll find everything you need to start - and win - your own union campaign.

Get your own copy of the handbook

It’s an election year; organizing your workplace is one of the most tangible ways you can help to reset the lopsided balance of power between labor and capital, and actually shape politics. So if you find yourself raging over the news, we suggest you harness that anger into organizing. We guarantee you will feel inspired by building power in your workplace, winning material gains, and exercising broader economic and political power on behalf of workers like you. We’re here to support you along the way.

Please keep in touch! Learn more and get your own copy of the Organize Your Organization! handbook at Follow @organizeyourorg on Twitter and Instagram. And use our digital toolkit to help us spread the word!

In solidarity,

Meg, Caitlin, Danny, and Isabel
