Hey , I screwed up!
I said I was offering FREE Shipping on this HellFire laser... but my shopping cart was still charging shipping due to a glitch.
I'm very sorry for any inconience or frustration. We fixed the issue and are now offering Free Shipping on ALL Tac Friday Events moving forward!
Again, sorry for the inconvenience! Here's that link to the HellFire laser again.
This thing has a green laser so radiant you can see it on a blinding August day...
PLUS a weaon light for tactial domination in low-light conditions!
And I'm offering it at our lowest price EVER... you'll wanna be on this hot deal like a hobo on a ham sandwich!
This thing has a blinding 60-Lumen tac light and THE BRIGHTEST LASER ALLOWED BY LAW!
This thing's a tactical gear head's dream... at $100 OFF!
UPDATE: We've only got 35 of these units left... down from 199 yesterday afternoon.
Get Yours While Supplies Last!
In Liberty,
Oli Fischer
P.S. I'll have to close the pomotion down once we run out of inventory, so don't hestitate! You're not going to find a better deal.