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Dear John,

The Economic Power Project is SiX's national economic justice initiative, organizing legislators and partners committed to building an economy that works with/by/for the people. We recognize that the concentration of corporate and billionaire influence in the economy did not happen by accident, nor is it the result of inevitable forces. This unequal distribution of economic and political power is a product of deliberate policy choices over decades. At SiX, we know another world is possible – where our economies center people, not corporate and billionaire profits. And that world starts in the states. 

Today, we are launching our Economic Equity Blueprint for the states, a series highlighting SiX’s theory of change on how we get from the economy of today, to an economy that works for all of our communities. Specifically, we’re detailing three of our core programs as case studies towards this effort:

Organizing is both prophetic and strategic work; it requires that we not only envision a new world, but also the strategy to bridge between the world of today and the world of our future.

There is opportunity in every single state to build people-centered economic power. Come join us in the fight to imagine and realize the people-centered economy of tomorrow.
Join Us
In solidarity,
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