New Address and Planned Giving Introduction

Dear Valued NumbersUSA Members & Activists,

In addition to ensuring you have our most current address, I want to share with you an informative and helpful message from Christy Shaw, Director of Planned Giving and Member Retention.

Better Immigration is possible,

James Massa
CEO, NumbersUSA

NumbersUSA headquarters have moved!

Greetings from the rooftop of our new office location!

1201 Wilson Blvd, Floor 27
Arlington, VA 22209

This spectacular panoramic view of our nation's Capitol City lifts our spirits each day as a steady reminder of the importance of the work we do each and every day to empower American voters to achieve a sensible immigration policy.

Along with our new mailing address, I want to introduce our new Planned Giving Program. Many of you receiving this letter already give, or have pledged to do so in the future, your generous financial support to NumbersUSA in the form of various types of structured, stakeholder-level contributions such as donor-advised funds, charitable gift annuities, trusts, qualified charitable distributions from an IRA, and the inclusion of NumbersUSA in your estate plans.

If this describes your current charitable arrangement with us, please know how grateful we are that you have chosen to place this level of trust and commitment in us. Be sure also to notify your financial institution of our new address to ensure we receive and can acknowledge your contributions in a timely manner. In as much as we value and need your support, it matters to us greatly that you are able to maximize any potential tax savings benefits associated with your donations.

. . .continued

Don't yet have, but have considered giving to NumbersUSA with a planned gift? Please reach out to me for an initial conversation about your charitable giving goals and how I can help you take your giving to NumbersUSA to a whole new level

Lastly, please notify me if you are already supporting us with a planned gift, e.g., such as from your IRA (QCD) or a donor-advised fund. Documentation sent by your financial institution does not always indicate gift types. We want to know about and be able to acknowledge the highly-valued commitment you are making to our shared cause for better immigration policy. We appreciate your support very much! I look forward to serving you now and in the future for all of your planned giving needs.

Warmest regards,

Christy A. Shaw
Director of Planned Giving & Member Retention
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 304.203.8727
Office: 703. 816. 8820 ext 803
NumbersUSA Education & Research Foundation
EIN# 41-0865426 (501c3, tax-deductible)
NumbersUSA Action fund
EIN# 41-0865418 (501c4, non-tax-deductible)

Download courtesy copies of our Letter of Intent for inclusion with an estate plan bequest. While bequests to either the Education or Action fund are welcome, Action is the best choice for a bequest.

Note: NumbersUSA does not provide financial advising services. We strongly encourage all of our donors to consult a licensed financial advisor for guidance in establishing a planned gift.

As a courtesy, NumbersUSA has an established relationship with Thrivent Financial to offer our members the optional courtesy of connecting you with an experienced, licensed, and trusted advisor in your state.

Want one-click, on-the-go access to your action board from anywhere? Download the NumbersUSA app today!

Questions? Comments? We would love to hear from you!
Contact us: [email protected] | 703-816-8820