Hi, John Oliver has had enough of Clarence Thomas’ ethics scandals. On his TV show, Oliver offered Clarence Thomas a luxury motor coach and $1 million per year to resign from the Supreme Court.1 Ridiculous right? But it also sounds a little too familiar. That’s because Clarence Thomas has accepted luxury mega-yacht vacations and expensive gifts for years from GOP billionaire mega-donor Harlan Crow (without disclosing any of them to the public).2 And that’s just the beginning of his ethics scandals. Another revolves around his decision to switch his position on a legal theory in order to side with Big Oil giant Chevron in a landmark case after his wife reportedly accepted secret payments from a shadowy conservative network who was advocating for this change.3 And his failure to recuse himself in a case where he could gut environmental protections to help Big Oil. When did Clarence Thomas start receiving these secret gifts? Well, Thomas complained about salary for Supreme Court Justices two decades ago, and Republicans worried he may step down from SCOTUS. Then, Thomas began receiving the lavish gifts, luxury superyacht vacations, and secretive income from GOP mega-donors.4 Thomas’ failure to disclose all of these gifts, vacations, and income have scandalized the Supreme Court for months and months. And this failure to disclose breaks the law according to two ethics experts.5 If we want to stop Thomas’ long list of unethical behavior and ensure the integrity of the high court, the U.S. House MUST impeach Thomas. Add your name: Impeach Clarence Thomas! Thanks for taking action, Sources:
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