Dear Friends,
I am thrilled to tell you that we just witnessed the biggest setback for the drug legalization industry in recent memory. Late yesterday, the Oregon House overwhelmingly passed HB 4002. In doing so, they essentially repealed Measure 110, the ill-conceived ballot initiative funded by the pro-legalization Drug Policy Alliance in 2020 promising “treatment over incarceration.”
Won’t you chip in to help us keep going and get HB 4002 through the Senate and to the Governor’s desk for passage?
Three years later, the data are clear: crime is up, impaired driving is more common, and people are not getting the help they were promised. In fact, the Measure is working as intended by its chief backers: it essentially legalized all drugs in the state, leaving families and communities to pay the price as the overdose rate in Oregon has skyrocketed.
But “the times, they-are-a-changin.’” We were the first organization to poll Oregonians last year, and find out that voters from all demographics and political backgrounds supported full repeal by wide margins.