New York City Schools Spend $38,000 Per Student!
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Unleash Prosperity Hotline – Weekend Edition
Issue #967
03/01/2024, 03/02/2024, 03/03/2024
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1) New York City Schools Spend $38,000 Per Student!
We got plenty of responses from our item a few days ago about the abysmal performance of the public schools in New York and the $90,000 paid per teacher.
Several readers pointed out that the out-of-control spending is much worse in New York City.
We did some checking and these readers were right. it turns out that by dividing the total amount spent by the New York City Public School System (as reported in the city’s Financial statements) by the number of students, the per-student spending was a whopping $37,800 per student last year!
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How much did NYC's 73,000 teachers make on average?
The financial statement reports the total salaries for classroom teachers and has a total for employee benefits at just over 50 percent of salaries. So here's a little back-of-the-envelope calculation: rounding down to the nearest thousand, we find a shocking average total compensation of $144,000!
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Remember this is essentially for a nine-months-a-year job.
If you simply gave New York City parents, say, $25,000 a year for the education of each of their kids, they would easily be able to enroll them in far better schools AND the city could give a $10,000 payment per child each year for 12 years (grades 1 - 12).
With interest, this approach would give every kid who graduates a payment of $150,000 to be used to pay for college, vocational school, or to start a business. AND the city would SAVE money.
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2) What Makes Home Ownership So Hard to Achieve?
In our item last week on high housing costs, we pointed out that land use regulations cause shortages of new homes and apartments in many cities and thus artificially raise prices.
A new American Enterprise Institute study by Tobias Peter and Edward Pinto documents that more residential land use regulation translates into higher prices.
According to the authors:
Supply is constrained by zoning that fails to recognize a location’s highest and best use, procedures and approvals that add time and expense, and urban-growth boundaries that limit available land... The result is a government-run system that is unresponsive to market conditions and leads to housing unaffordability.
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3) Entitlements Soaring Again
The latest Commerce Department report on the economy through January 2024 shows income growth, but a big component of that was income transfers and other welfare programs from taxpayers. Just shy of $100 billion in January. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is no way to grow an economy.
These injections of money into the economy are like shots of heroin that create a short-term high and then you suffer withdrawal symptoms.
The increase in government transfers was the biggest jump since July 2021:
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4) Where Are All the Asylum Seekers Going?
Bloomberg is out with an analysis of the Immigration Service statistics on where these millions of migrants are settling. The states with the biggest increase in these immigrants are Illinois, Colorado, New York, and California. We suppose there is a rough justice that the blue sanctuary states and cities are the ones that bear the burden.
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Now, of course, these blue state pols are pleading for federal dollars to pay for the health care, housing, and feeding of these illegal immigrants that they said they would welcome with open arms.
By the way, the wait for an asylum hearing because of backlogs is now FOUR years!
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Even if Trump is elected to fix this crisis, it’s going to take many years to unwind this fiasco. We don’t blame the poor migrants for this calamity – they are victims of an idiotic and inhumane policy that comes straight out of the Biden White House.
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5) Gavin Newsom’s Corrupt Pay to Play Scheme Backfires
California’s new $20 minimum wage for fast food workers will take effect next month and add a great expense to restaurants.
But Governor Gavin Newsom slipped in a special exemption for Panera Bread franchises because they bake their own bread. It just so happens that one of Gavin’s long-time friends and campaign contributors is billionaire Greg Flynn a major Panera franchisee.
The California Globe summarized:
Flynn attended the same high school as Newsom, and has been involved in various business dealings with Gov. Newsom. Flynn has also contributed at least $164,800 to Newsom’s political campaigns, the New York Post reported.
“In 2014, Flynn, who is the largest franchisee in the US with thousands of brands including Applebee’s, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and Wendy’s, acquired a Napa Valley resort that was managed by Newsom’s hospitality firm, according to disclosure forms.”
“Flynn has a net worth valued at $1.1 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. He has donated at least $164,800 to Newsom’s campaigns.”
We’re happy to report that the blowback from this shady deal has exploded right in Newsom’s lap. So now, Governor Hair Gel is in damage control mode.
After first denying there was anything squalid about this deal, now Newsom has issued a NEW interpretation of the law that carves Panera back in:
Stack said lawyers for the governor’s office determined that Panera doesn’t meet the standard for a business that “produces” bread “for sale on the establishment’s premises” because “many chain bakeries (such as Panera Bread) mix dough at centralized off-site locations and then ship that dough to their retail locations for baking and sale.”
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Newsom is, of course, on the very short list of Democratic presidential nominees if Joe Biden drops out.
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6) Who Would Want This Job?
Bloomberg: Can Speaker Mike Johnson Keep His Job and avoid a partial government shutdown?
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