![]() Please give a crucial $25, $50, $100, or more IMMEDIATELY to fuel my critical, class action lawsuits to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE! One year ago, January 6 Peaceful Protester Kevin Seefried was sentenced to three years in federal prison. Did he attack the U.S. Capitol Police? No. Did he break windows? No. Kevin was sentenced to three years in prison because he carried a Confederate flag through the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021. The NBC News headline says it all: “Man who carried a Confederate Flag in the Capitol on Jan. 6 is sentenced to 3 years.” You’ll notice there isn’t one word there about the crimes he allegedly committed … just the flag. U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, incredibly a Trump appointee, blasted Ken’s carrying of the flag as "shocking" and "outrageous." Just goes to show that all of the establishment judges on the DC Federal Court are compromised, if not corrupt! Kevin carried the flag only as a symbol of protest, not to support racism or slavery. And the Confederate Flag is not such a symbol in any event, but instead Southern pride! But that didn’t save him … neither did his forced public apology. What’s worse, the federal prosecutor wanted Kevin to serve 70 months – 5 years and 10 months – in prison for his “crimes!” Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs who’ve rioted, burned down businesses, beaten, and terrorized everyday Americans haven’t even been ARRESTED! This is outrageous! To be frank, I feel a growing sense of urgency about January 6 patriots. They need a legal breakthrough SOON. And you’re the key to making these pivotal fights as effective as possible. Patriot, please help fully fund these critical fights for our innocent fellow Americans with your best gift right now of $25, $50, $100 or more. Don’t delay. Thank you so much! In Justice, ![]() Larry Klayman Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc. P.S. Patriot, I’m counting on you. Please give at least a vital $25, $50, $100 or more right away. |
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Leesburg, VA 20178