Dear John What stories, myths and assumptions are commonly held about people experiencing poverty? And what is the truth behind them? Today, we're sharing another story that is part our new guest series. They're told by Stef Benstead, a social justice campaigner, Manchester Poverty Truth Commissioner, and an expert on the mistreatment of disabled people. We've had positive feedback from the blog we published last week about Emma's Road to Church. Today, we have a new story for you. We hope you'll read the stories, reflect on them, and share them more widely. Stories that challenge and changeThese are intentionally contrary stories that push back against negative ideas, and force us all to re-examine negative stigmas and stereotypes. They are longer than our usual blogs, and we encourage you to read them when you have the time to do so in full. Today's story is about Alan and Ben. Here's what Stef says about their story: "The problem is that Ben and Alan are the same people. One person is who you see from the outside: the ‘scrounger’. The other is the person on the inside, trying to survive in horrendously challenging circumstances. One is the superficial person who the government insists needs to be punished. The other is the real person, helped by support but held down by sanction."