Dear John, “I'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but, compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all.” These words by Aaron Bushnell, who self-immolated in protest in front of the Israeli embassy in DC on Sunday, are a testament to the desperation Americans and the entire international community are experiencing right now as we watch Israel’s genocide campaign in Gaza continue. May he rest in power and peace. As we approach International Women’s Day on March 8, it’s very important for everyone to be aware of what the US government supports in words and what it materially upholds through action–or rather inaction. The US government’s inaction while women in Gaza are suffering devastation and violently denied reproductive care is a defining motivator for mobilizing efforts this IWD. The 24 women of the Congressional Progressive Caucus who have yet to call for a ceasefire (and receive a collective $2.7 million from the pro-Israel lobby) are a glaring example of this hypocrisy. 👉 Sign the petition to these “progressive” women and CODEPINK will deliver it directly to them on IWD! 👉 Then, share it on Twitter so your friends can sign on, too!
We have passed the stage of educating and spreading awareness to our government. We are in the phase of mobilization and forcing accountability. On IWD, we will not accept superficial statements in support of women or reproductive rights from politicians who have allowed this genocide to continue. Denial of reproductive care to women in Gaza is not simply a side effect of Israel’s genocide campaign, it is a core tenant of it. “Imposing measures to prevent births within a group” is a defining act of genocide according to Article 2 of the United Nation’s Genocide Convention. Evidence of this was a key part of South Africa’s 84-page document to the International Court of Justice in their case against Israel. It’s been over a month since the case was heard, more than enough time to significantly address this devastating reality, yet we’ve heard nothing but radio silence from the overwhelming majority of American politicians. Americans, and the entire world, are at the end of our rope. The US government has proven over and over again that it will not represent the demands of its people. Americans are resorting to lighting themselves on fire in a desperate attempt for change while Biden casually eats ice cream while talking about a ceasefire in Gaza. What more does the US government want and need? We must continue to take direct action for Palestine. There is no room for hypocrisy, and it is our job to keep applying pressure for accountability no matter what the response is. We will not allow ourselves to be discouraged regardless of how many times we are ignored. Sign this petition to call out the 24 women in the Congressional “Progressive” Caucus who have failed to call for a ceasefire. Share it on Twitter and Facebook so that our message is heard loud and clear. If you live in or nearby DC, take it a step further by joining us in Congress the week of IWD to deliver this message directly to their offices. Bushnell’s last words were “Free Palestine!” We refuse to allow his death, and the murder of over 30K Gazans to be in vain. 👉Keep applying pressure until Palestine is free:
Peace, |
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