From Drugs library newsletter <[email protected]>
Subject HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter February 20(2). New research
Date March 1, 2024 11:33 AM
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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.

To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us @HRBdrugslibrary [
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]. For all recent additions see our recently added publications page. [
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Irish-related publications
Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System (DATMS) 2023: year 8
Robinson, Janet and Doherty, Jim (2024) Dublin: Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force.

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HHC-induced psychosis: a case series of psychotic illness triggered by a widely available
semisynthetic cannabinoid
O'Mahony, Brian et al (2024) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online. pp. 1-4.

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Update for healthcare providers synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists
Health Service Executive, National Poisons Information Centre. (2024) Dublin: Health Service

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Synthetic opioid preparedness. Fact sheet for medical care providers.
HSE National Clinical Lead for Addiction Services, National Red Alert Group. (2024) Dublin: HSE

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HSE webinar recording: Safeguarding communities against nitazenes
HSE (2024) Health Service Executive.

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Adolescent addiction service report 2024
Adolescent Addiction Service. Murray, Denis (2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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'Selling their souls?' Nurses' understanding of addiction and recovery in acute hospital settings
Cafferkey, Sadie Lavelle et al (2024) British Journal of Nursing, 33, (4), pp. 188-192.

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Critical Partners - level and quality of civil society involvement in the field of drug policy. Case
study research in Finland, Ireland, Greece and Hungary
Sarosi, Peter (2023) Amsterdam: Correlation-European Harm Reduction Network

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How much do Europeans know about the link between alcohol use and cancer? Results from an online
survey in 14 countries
Neufeld, Maria et al (2024) BMC Research Notes, 17.

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A ‘perfect storm’ that will lead to more road deaths
Conlon, Catherine (2024) Medical Independent

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Alcohol-related liver disease on the island of Ireland – conversations on a silent epidemic
Purdy, Joanna (2024) IPH Blog,

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Frostbite injuries from recreational nitrous oxide use
Murphy, D et al (2024) Irish Medical Journal, 119, (2), pp. 910-920

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A simple presumptive field test for nitrous oxide
Oakes, Conor et al (2024) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online.

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Neighbourhood characteristics and socioeconomic inequalities in child mental health: cross-sectional
and longitudinal findings from the Growing Up in Ireland study
Putra, I Gusti Ngurah Edi et al (2024) Health & Place, 86.

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Adolescent mental health & adversity: profiles & trends in the west of Ireland from 2018-2022.
Executive summary
Silke, Charlotte et al (2024) Galway: UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre

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The secondary punishment: a scoping study on employer attitudes to hiring people with criminal
Garrihy, Joe and Bracken- Roche, Ciara (2024) Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust

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Cocaine nation [Audio].
The Pat Kenny Show. (2024) Dublin:

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HSE Talking health and wellbeing podcast - 2024
(2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Stop smoking services – free stop smoking medications
HSE Health and Wellbeing, 16

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How Ireland can further regulate tobacco and nicotine inhaling products and progress tobacco endgame
O'Connor, Louise (2024) IPA blog

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Prevalence of chronic health conditions among young adults living in Ireland and associations with
smoking and e-cigarette-use
Hanafin, Joan et al (2023) Irish Journal of Medical Science, 192, (Supp 2), pp. 74-75.

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Health in Ireland: key trends 2023
Department of Health. (2024) Dublin: Government of Ireland

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Drug-related and drug misuse deaths in Northern Ireland, 2022
(2024) Belfast: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency.

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Alcohol-specific deaths in Northern Ireland, 2022
(2024) Belfast: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency

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National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2021
Joyce, Mary et al (2024) Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation

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Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland. [Webpage]
(2024) Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland

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HSE national service plan 2024.
(2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Drogheda report implementation plan - 3rd published progress report
(2024) Dublin: Department of Justice

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Citizen survey report Dublin's night-time economy. Executive summary
Delve Research. (2023) Dublin: Dublin City Council

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High Level Taskforce on mental health and addiction – 1st annual progress report (September
Dublin: Department of Health; Department of Justice

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Thematic inspection: an evaluation of the provision of psychiatric care in the Irish prison system
(2024) Dublin: Office of the Inspector of Prisons

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Children's Rights Alliance report card 2024
(2024) Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance

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International publications
Individual placement and support - alcohol and drug study: main findings
(2024) London: Office for Health Improvement & Disparities

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Characterising differences between self-reported and wastewater-identified drug use at two
consecutive years of an Australian music festival
Puljević, Cheneal et al (2024) The Science of the Total Environment, 921.

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Reducing the harm from illegal drugs. Eleventh report of session 2023–24
House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts. (2024) London: House of Commons

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Single programming document 2024–2026
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2024) Luxembourg: Publications Office of
the European Union

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Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and
violence, and improve educational attainment: a systematic review
Ponsford, Ruth et al (2024) Public Health Research, 12, (2), pp. 1-322. DOI: 10.3310/DWTR3299

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CHildren AMplified Prevention Services: the CHAMPS initiative
(2024) Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

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CAMH Monitor eReport 2023. Substance use, mental health and well-being among Ontario adults
Nigatu, Yeshambel T and Hamilton, Hayley A (2023) Toronto: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

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Women, addictions, mental health, dishonesty, and crime stigma: solutions to reduce the social harms
of stigma
Page, Sarah et al (2024) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21, (1).

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Hard Edges: The reality for women affected by severe and multiple disadvantage
Johnsen, Sarah and Blenkinsopp, Janice (2024) Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University

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Structural stigma and LGBTQ+ health: a narrative review of quantitative studies
Hatzenbuehler, Mark L et al The Lancet Public Health, 9, (2), e109-e127.

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Popular media misinformation on neonatal abstinence syndrome, 2015-2021
McCreedy, Katie et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 125.

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Participation in Australian drug treatment programs for individuals engaging in high-risk substance
use: data from a nationally representative sample
Leung, Janni et al (2023) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.

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An umbrella review of candidate predictors of response, remission, recovery, and relapse across
mental disorders
Solmi, Marco et al (2023) Molecular Psychiatry, 28, (9), pp. 3671-3687.

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Best practice guidelines for research around drugs issues
Transform Drug Policy Foundation, Brigstow Institute, University of Bristol. (2023) Bristol:
Transform Drug Policy Foundation.

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#ScaleUp. Scalable interventions for the treatment and care of stimulant use disorders
UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section. (2024) Vienna: United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime

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Assessing the need for, and views on, drug checking services in Edinburgh
Carver, Hannah et al (2023) Edinburgh: City of Edinburgh Council

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A cluster analysis of European life in recovery data: what are the typical patterns of recovery
Best, David et al (2024) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.

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Perceptions of residential rehabilitation among referrers
Keeble, Rachel et al (2024) Public Health Scotland

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Longitudinal clustering of health behaviours and their association with multimorbidity in older
adults in England: a latent class analysis.
Suhag, Alisha et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (1).

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Eliminating hepatitis C in Europe: a report on policy implementation for people who inject drugs
Civil Society Monitoring of Harm Reduction in Europe 2023. C-EHRN Focal Points. Tammi, Tuukka et al
(2024) Amsterdam: Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network

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Impact of harm minimization interventions on reducing blood-borne infection transmission and some
injecting behaviors among people who inject drugs: an overview and evidence gap mapping
Tonin, Fernanda S et al (2024) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 19.

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The time of cure: hepatitis C treatment and the matter of reinfection among people who inject drugs
Rance, J et al (2024) Health Sociology Review, Early online. pp. 1-15.

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Addictions Edited: the monthly take-home podcast. Series 2, 2024
Calder, Robert (2024) London: Society for the Study of Addiction.

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A review of the evidence on the use and harms of xylazine, medetomidine and detomidine.
(2024) London: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs

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Characteristics of alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use among persons aged 13–18 years being
assessed for substance use disorder treatment — United States, 2014–2022
Connolly, Sarah et al (2024) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 73, (5), pp. 93-98.

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ASSAD 2022–2023: Australian secondary school students’ use of alcohol and other substances.
Scully, Maree et al (2023) Sydney: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

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Changing landscapes: current and future developments in the field of drug consumption rooms in
Moura, Joana and Gayo, Roberto Perez (2024) Amsterdam: Correlation – European Harm Reduction

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Needs assessment and feasibility study for a safer drug consumption facility in Edinburgh
Nicholls, James et al (2023) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Overdose mortality incidence and supervised consumption services in Toronto, Canada: an ecological
study and spatial analysis
Rammohan, Indhu et al (2024) The Lancet Public Health, 9, (2).

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Responding to 'wicked problems': policy and governance on drug-related deaths in English and Welsh
prisons, 2015-2021.
Duke, Karen and MacGregor, Susanne (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 126.

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Suicide by people in contact with drug and alcohol services: a national study 2021 to 2022
The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH). (2024)
Manchester: The University of Manchester.

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Using alone at home: what's missing in housing-based responses to the overdose crisis?
Fleming, Taylor et al (2024) Harm Reduction Journal, 21.

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Estimating the ratio of fatal to non-fatal overdoses involving all drugs, all opioids, synthetic
opioids, heroin or stimulants, USA, 2010-2020
Casillas, Shannon M et al (2024) Injury Prevention, Early online.

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Naloxone: legal challenges and opportunities for life saving intervention
Piot, Alexandre (2024) Oregan: Centre for Evidence Based Policy

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National naloxone programme Scotland: annual monitoring report 2021/22 and 2022/23
(2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Opioid prescribing patterns after imposition of setting-specific limits on prescription duration
Allen, Lindsay D et al (2024) JAMA Health Forum, 5, (1). 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.4731

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Novel therapeutic and program-based approaches to opioid use disorders
Liu, Patricia et al (2024) Annual Review of Medicine, 75. pp. 83-97.

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Prescribed safer opioid supply: a scoping review of the evidence
Ledlie, Shaleesa et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 125.

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Factors associated with frequent buprenorphine / naloxone initiation in a national survey of
Canadian emergency physicians
MacKinnon, Nathalie et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (2).

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Opioid agonist treatment and trust in the community pharmacy setting: a qualitative study of
perceptions and experiences
Caruana, Theresa (2023) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy,

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Development and validation of a brief screening tool for over-the-counter codeine dependence
McCoy, Jacqui et al (2024) Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy, 20, (2), pp. 182-189.

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Development of an anxiety disorder following an emergency department visit due to cannabis use: a
population-based cohort study
Myran, Daniel T et al (2024) EClinicalMedicine,

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Cannabis-involvement in emergency department visits for self-harm following medical and non-medical
cannabis legalization
Myran, Daniel T et al (2024) Journal of Affective Disorders, 351. pp. 853-862.

[link removed]
Assessment of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use and its related consequences and cognitions in
college students: a narrative review.
Shipley, Jennifer L and Braitman, Abby L (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 48,
(2), pp. 230-240.

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Are we moving into a new era for alcohol policy globally? An analysis of the Global Alcohol Action
Plan 2022-30
McCambridge, Jim and Lesch, Matthew (2024) BMJ Global Health, 9, (2).

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Minimum unit pricing of alcohol – continuation and future pricing. Business and regulatory impact
(2024) Edinburgh: Scottish Government

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Estimating the effects of hypothetical alcohol minimum unit pricing policies on alcohol use and
deaths: a State example
Bertin, Lauren et al (2024) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 85, (1), pp. 120-132.

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Economic evaluations of alcohol pharmacotherapy: systematic review of economic evaluations of
pharmacotherapy for the treatment of alcohol use disorder
Higginbotham, Benjamin et al (2024) The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry, 58, (2),
pp. 117-133.

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The confluence of legacy, corporate social responsibility, and public health: the case of Migros and
alcohol-free retailing in Switzerland
Klingemann, Harald and Lesch, Matthew (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 125.

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The impact of raising alcohol taxes on government tax revenue: insights from five European countries
Manthey, Jakob et al (2024) Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, Early online.

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The WHO Foundation in global health governance: depoliticizing corporate philanthropy
Ralston, Rob et al (2024) Social Science & Medicine, 344.

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Qualitative analysis of UK women's attitudes to calorie-based alcohol marketing and alcohol calorie
Atkinson, Amanda M et al (2024) Health Promotion International, 39, (1).

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Alcohol and the brain
Andreasson, Sven et al (2024) CERA

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Biological aging markers in blood and brain tissue indicate age acceleration in alcohol use disorder
Zillich, Lea et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 48, (2), pp. 250-259.

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Longitudinal examination of alcohol demand and alcohol-related reinforcement as predictors of heavy
drinking and adverse alcohol consequences in emerging adults
Bird, Brian M et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Evaluating the impact of local alcohol licensing decisions on outcomes for the community: a
systematic review
Blank, Lindsay et al (2024) BMJ Public Health, 2, (1).

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Prevalence of energy drink consumption world-wide: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Aonso-Diego, Gema et al (2024) Addiction, 119, (3), pp. 438-463.

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Creating a psychosocial intervention combining growth mindset and implementation intentions (GMII)
to reduce alcohol consumption: a mixed method approach
Parada, Sacha et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (2).

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Recovery of neuropsychological function following abstinence from alcohol in adults diagnosed with
an alcohol use disorder: Systematic review of longitudinal studies
Powell, Anna et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (1).

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Australian psychologists' knowledge, confidence, and practices in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
diagnostic assessment
Kerimofski, Katherine L et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.

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Outcomes in clinical subgroups of patients with alcohol-related hospitalizations
Friesen, Erik L et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (1).

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European cancer mortality predictions for the year 2024 with focus on colorectal cancer
Santucci, C et al (2024) Annals of Oncology, Early online.

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Brief interventions for smoking and alcohol associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: a population
survey in England
Kock, Loren et al (2024) BMC Public Health, 24.

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Detection of anabolic-androgenic steroids in e-cigarettes seized from prisons: a case study
Harries, Richard L et al (2024) Forensic Science International, 356.

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Efficacy and safety of e-cigarette use for smoking cessation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
of randomized controlled trials.
Levett, Jeremy Y et al (2023) The American Journal of Medicine, 136, (8), 804-813.e4.

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Prevalence and characteristics of co-occurrence of smoking and increasing-and-higher-risk drinking:
a population survey in England
Garnett, Claire et al (2024) Addictive Behaviors, 150.

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Prevalence, lived experiences and user profiles in e-cigarette use: a mixed methods study among
French college students
Kinouani, Shérazade et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (2).

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Developing a text-message library for tobacco prevention among adolescents: a qualitative study
Khalil, Georges Elias et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (1).

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The effects of digital addiction on brain function and structure of children and adolescents: a
scoping review
Ding, Keya et al (2024) Healthcare, 12, (1).

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How and when is academic stress associated with mobile phone addiction? The roles of psychological
distress, peer alienation and rumination
Zhang, Yanhong et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (2).

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‘Coffin tablet’: Renewed calls for prescription drug feared to be ‘new OxyContin’ to be reclassified
[Irish Times] Cullen, Paul (25 Feb 2024)

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Former prisoners are most at risk from drug overdose after jail release or cash windfall.
[] Foxe, Ken (25 Feb 2024)

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Drug dealers 'testing' heroin market with dangerous synthetics
O'Keeffe, Cormac [Irish Examiner] (22 Feb 2024)

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37% drop in Cork's garda drug squad numbers compared to 14% nationwide
O'Keeffe, Cormac [Irish Examiner] (21 Feb 2024)

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Open letter: an urgent call for this government to fully assess the implications of increased
alcohol availability
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (09 Feb 2024)

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HSE issues alert about potent synthetic opioid being sold as heroin in Dublin and Cork
[Irish Times] Kelleher, Olivia (03 Feb 2024)

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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Seanad Éireann debate. Community Safety and Investment: Motion [Private Members] [
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]. (28 Feb)

Other questions - Alcohol sales [8368/24]. [
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] (22 Feb)
Question 16 – Drug dealing [8222/24]. [
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] (22 Feb)
Question 18 – Substance misuse [possession] [8325/24]. [
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] (22 Feb)
Question 34 – Substance misuse [possession by minors] [8324/24]. [
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] (22 Feb)
Question 37 – Substance misuse [possession – caution] [8322/24]. [
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] (22 Feb)
Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Second Stage. [
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] (21 Feb)
Question 148 – Health promotion [8164/24]. [
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] (21 Feb)
Topical issue debate – Departmental regulations [Synthetic cannabinoid HHC]. [
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] (20 Feb)
Question 426 – Gambling sector [7695/24]. [
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] (20 Feb)
Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – National security [2791/24]. [
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] (20 Feb)
Question 102 – Mortality rates [6822/24]. [
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] (15 Feb)
Topical Issue debate - Antisocial behaviour. [
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] (15 Feb)
Question 251 – Legislative matters [Sale of Alcohol Bill] [
[link removed]
] (14 Feb)
Joint Committee on Health. Consideration of public health and the commercial determinants of health.
[link removed]
] (14 Feb)
Question 463 – Legislative Matters [Sale of Alcohol] [
[link removed]
] (13 Feb)
Question 471 – An Garda Síochána [level of crime] [
[link removed]
] (13 Feb)
Question 603 – Departmental reviews [medical cannabis access programme] [
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] (13 Feb)
Questions 8–15 - Citizens' Assembly. [
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] (13 Feb)
Road Traffic Bill 2024: Second stage. Vol. 1049 No. 4. [
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] (13 Feb)
Committee of Public Accounts. Chapter 18 - Health Service Executive funding and financial reporting.
[link removed]
] (01 Feb)
Question 66 & 199 – Road safety [
[link removed]
]. (01 Feb)
Questions 377, 378, 379, 380 – Tobacco control measures [
[link removed]
]. (01 Feb)
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