Paid for by Arizona Democrats

hey there! 

first of all, thank you so much for the kind birthday sentiments😁 i’m grateful i get to work on a team as fun and rewarding as this one. 

now i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re still $794 away from reaching the online grassroots contribution goal we set for february.

if that’s all you needed to hear, here’s a direct link to make a contribution:

but can i let you in on a secret? teams like ours receive huge fundraising surges at big moments, like right before election day. 

and while those dollars are helpful, the best way to invest in critical fights like defeating david schweikert or kari lake is by investing early.

it gives us the time we need to really buckle our strategy down while also giving us room later on down the line when we face a surprise obstacle or last minute attack.

these early goals are some of the most important ones we set — and i don’t want to fall short here today. can i personally count on you to pitch in a few bucks before the night is over? if everyone reading this far pitched in $2, we’d close the gap in no time.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


thanks for your continued support,

— benjamin nelson✌️

finance director, arizona democratic party