John – my heart aches for the communities of Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas. 

Their losses are senseless tragedies in a horrific pattern that we cannot allow to continue – a pattern abetted by Mitch McConnell and others beholden to the gun lobby. 

I’ve seen firsthand the toll gun violence takes on loved ones. In my hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada, we experienced the largest domestic terrorist attack caused by gun violence in history, leaving 58 people dead, hundreds wounded and countless families and communities with unseen trauma. 

I've been ready to take action for years to help save lives and prevent tragedies caused by gun violence. I've introduced and co-sponsored legislation that would help make our communities safer. But after every mass shooting, Mitch McConnell refuses to even allow a debate on commonsense gun safety measures with bipartisan backing – measures which an overwhelming majority of Americans support. 

The Senate needs to take action for policies the American people want that will help save lives and alleviate the gun violence epidemic. But I can't do it alone: I need people like you speaking up so our families, our friends and our neighbors can go out to a shopping mall or school or a house of worship without fearing they'll be next.

Will you add your voice right now and demand Mitch McConnell bring bipartisan gun safety legislation to a vote? Over 97% of the country supports universal background checks, but House-passed legislation has been stalled in the Senate for 163 days.

Getting universal background checks this far has taken nearly a decade – and last weekend's events alone show that we can't afford to hold on a vote any minute longer. The Senate is in recess – but I’ll fly back to Washington in a heartbeat if Mitch McConnell brings this bipartisan commonsense legislation to the Senate floor.

To my colleague Mitch McConnell: What's the point of getting elected if we continue to dishonor the lives we lost by refusing to pursue solutions that would help keep Americans safe?

Leaders should lead – not sit idly by as gun violence devastates communities across the country. We cannot be silent right now, John: I need you with me in this fight as we stand up to Mitch McConnell’s inaction.

Will you add your voice right now and demand Mitch McConnell bring bipartisan gun safety legislation to a vote? It's past time we did something to address this epidemic.

Please know, we will always hold the names and stories of everyone affected by these tragedies in our hearts and in our minds. But our thoughts and prayers aren’t enough. We need to get something done for them – and the family members and friends we would do anything to protect. 

¡La lucha sigue! The fight continues!
