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Hi friend,

Today, the House of Representatives passed a $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package that is now headed to the President’s desk. The package is an important step to provide some much-needed relief to our hospitals, our communities, and our economy — we applaud this bi-partisan effort during the crisis. However, we must continue to demand that any financial assistance to industries is contingent upon companies cleaning up their environmental act. Join over 21,973 people who signed our petition for a clean recovery package:
Sign the petition
The stimulus packages that Congress passes to address this crisis will influence our economy and our country for many years, so we have to prioritize sustainable recovery. We cannot allow responses to the COVID-19 pandemic accelerate the climate crisis or worsen environmental injustice — we must not only provide immediate relief, but also plan for a better future.
Please visit for information and resources to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and prevent infection. Follow CDC guidelines, including social distancing to avoid large groups and unnecessary contact with others, and adhere to instruction from your local and state elected officials.

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Tom Steyer 2020 · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA