Arise Update

In This Issue...

March 27, 2020


Arise legislative recap: March 27, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic will strain Alabama's health care system in unprecedented ways. Arise's Jim Carnes discusses how Medicaid expansion, elimination of enrollment barriers and other policy changes would help Medicaid save lives during and after this outbreak.


Alabama Arise and partners urge Ivey to use every Medicaid tool available to save lives during COVID-19 pandemic

Strengthening Medicaid and expanding coverage would save lives both during the COVID-19 pandemic and for years to come. Read the full list of recommended Medicaid policy changes that Arise and 36 partner groups sent to Gov. Kay Ivey last week.

Montgomery Advertiser: Alabama Medicaid should use every tool it has to save lives

Expand Medicaid to cover adults with low incomes. Eliminate administrative barriers to enrollment. Maximize the use of telehealth. Those are just three of the many steps that Alabama Medicaid should take to save and improve lives, Arise's Jim Carnes wrote in an op-ed in the Montgomery Advertiser.

Targeted releases should be part of Alabama corrections system's response to COVID-19 pandemic

State and local governments are responding in a variety of ways to the emergent coronavirus pandemic in Alabama. But the response thus far has fallen short where incarcerated people are concerned. On our blog, Arise's Dev Wakeley breaks down how quick, targeted releases would help save lives and avoid a nightmarish outbreak in prisons and jails.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Summary of key provisions

Congress has passed three laws this month in an effort to address the pandemic's mounting humanitarian and economic toll. The Kaiser Family Foundation put together a guide to the second of those measures, the Families First Coronavirus Act, which was enacted March 18. Key measures include a federal Medicaid funding increase, nutrition assistance, paid sick leave and insurance coverage of coronavirus testing.

CARES Act includes essential measures to respond to public health, economic crises, but more will be needed

The third federal law responding to the pandemic the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted today, March 27. The law includes one-time $1,200 payments for most American adults and major improvements to unemployment insurance coverage. It also provides federal funding to help states avoid cuts to vital services like education and public health. But as our partners at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities find, policymakers still need to do much more on health coverage and nutrition assistance. Coronavirus puts hold on Alabama Senate until April 28

The Alabama Senate will meet briefly Tuesday before adjourning until April 28. The schedule will give legislators about three weeks to try to pass budgets and other legislation before the regular session ends May 18.

Reminder: Respond to the Census by April 1!

Alabama will need massive investments in core public services to endure this pandemic and rebuild in its aftermath. On our blog, Arise's Mike Nicholson explains why the 2020 Census is so important in ensuring federal funding for these services. If you haven't already, take a few minutes to help your community by responding to the Census online or by phone today!

Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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