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Sign Open Letter to Governor Walz Today!open_letter_banner.png

On March 23, 2020, Governor Tim Walz issued a call to arms for Minnesotans regarding the COVID-19 pandemic: “We must take similar steps to identify and preserve the available PPE [personal protective equipment] and other equipment in Minnesota to protect health care personnel while they treat individuals with COVID-19 and others receiving critical care.” 

So why is Governor Walz allowing Planned Parenthood to perform abortions which are NOT “critical care?” Governor Walz prohibited all health providers from performing elective procedures, but abortion is being given a free pass. Right now, not only is Planned Parenthood bringing patients in for elective abortions, risking the further spread of COVID-19 and further strain on our health care system, but they are actively recruiting private donations of personal protective equipment to perform those elective abortions – the very equipment our hospitals desperately need.

This is unacceptable. This worldwide pandemic demands we dismiss political agendas. Governor Walz has referred to the need to do everything we can to support front-line medical workers. That should mean abortion shouldn’t get special treatment as we halt all elective procedures.

Please join Minnesota Family Council in signing this open letter to Governor Walz asking to stop all elective abortions in Minnesota so we can best prepare for the COVID-19 pandemic here in our communities.

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GiveMN Waives Processing Fee for Donations - Your Gift to Minnesota Family Council is More Crucial Than Ever


For a limited time, GiveMN will allow you to contribute to Minnesota Family Council without charging a processing fee. During this crisis, we are not shutting down. Instead, we are stepping up our efforts to bless churches, families, and communities in Minnesota by fighting for life, family, and religious freedom. Now, more than ever, your gift is crucial to ensuring that we can be YOUR champions for life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota. Click here now to make a tax-deductible donation to Minnesota Family Institute. 


Offering Help and Hope: Opportunities for the Gospel During a Pandemicchrist_pandemic.png

In a very short time, the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S. has upended everyone’s daily lives. In addition to the spread of the virus itself and over 1,000 deaths in the United States so far, many are out of work and facing economic uncertainty. Graduations, recitals, sporting events, church services, weddings, and even funerals have been postponed, rescheduled, or moved to live-stream. We should grieve the human cost of this pandemic, as well as the losses and disappointments that have come about as collateral damage. But in the midst of grief, let’s also look for the gospel opportunities that have come about during this time.

God is doing more in any one moment than any of us could possibly imagine. As our nation responds to COVID-19, let us remember who is in control and continue to put our trust in him. God has shown his faithfulness to his people since the very beginning. We know we can trust him to bring us through this.

Pandemics and economic uncertainty shatter our delusions of self-sufficiency by reminding us that we are not in control. As believers, this causes us to turn to God in faith, trusting in him as our provider and protector, but in an increasingly secular society, many of our neighbors do not know this hope, so now more than ever we should be reaching out and proclaiming the gospel. Times of crisis create gospel opportunities as the body of Christ mobilizes to minister to the material and spiritual needs of the people around us. We should make the most of this time, offering God’s eternal truth to a world in crisis.

Read the whole post by MFC's Patience Griswold here.

Gray_Line.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-06 at 2.28.17 PM.png Abby Johnson Defied Planned Parenthood. Are You Ready to Hear Her Story in Person at Our Annual Dinner? (May 11)


Registration is now open for our biggest event of the year - our annual dinner with pro-life superstar Abby Johnson. Abby's work with And Then There Were None, a charity that helps abortion workers leave the industry, has been hugely successful. And her new initiative, Love Lines, gives financial support to women who choose LIFE.

But her story began in 2009, when she was a clinic director for Planned Parenthood and had to witness, for the first time, an ultrasound-guided abortion. With horror, she saw for the first time what abortion really is: the killing by dismemberment of a baby. She walked away and has been working to save lives ever since. Her book Unplanned was turned into one of last year's most surprising hit movies.   

Please know that we will comply with all directives from city and state governments regarding large events, and we are committed to doing what we need to do for the safety of our friends and guests. If the status of our Annual Dinner scheduled for May 11 changes, we will alert you as soon as possible. 


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Will you join us for our Annual Dinner with Abby Johnson? Click above to register now! We expect this event to fill up, so make sure to register as soon as you can


Give your Teen the Gift of Leadership - Registration Now Open!

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Register your teen early and SAVE $50!

LEAD is a project of Minnesota Family Council that equips the next generation of leaders. During this one-week program, teens are challenged with interactive Biblical worldview sessions, and real-world simulations to learn critical thinking, clear communication, and gain teamwork skills to lead effectively and with confidence.

July 26th–July 31st, 2020

University of Northwestern – St. Paul

Registration: $499

Financial Aid Available
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Please know that LEAD organizers are monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Minnesota. We will comply with all directives from city and state governments regarding large events, and we are committed to safeguarding our students and their families. At this time it does not appear likely that this outbreak will affect our LEAD summer camp scheduled for July 26-31. If that changes, we will alert you as soon as possible.


Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

 Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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Support MFC When You Shop Online!amazon-smile-banner.jpg

Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you?



Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council's vision for 
strong families and communities through Christ. We are grateful for your partnership with us in prayer, legislative involvement and generous donations.










Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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