I had to share the news with you right away.

I just checked ActBlue, and we’re on the brink of hitting a record number of founding supporters to my 2024 Team Pelosi Membership drive.

As of 6pm, I only need 2 more donations from 19125 before my LAST major Deadline of the entire month to hit my goal, completely outraise Republicans, and ensure our Democrats kick off the election year with the undeniable financial strength we’ll need to win this election. Can I count on you to chip in $15 in these last 6 hours to renew your 2024 Team Pelosi Membership and ensure Democrats start the new year off stronger than we’ve ever been? >>

2024 Team Pelosi Membership

NAME: xxxxxx@gmail.com
ID: 131310698


I can’t express how important donations from our Founding Members are.

Every year, I count on our Founding Members to fund our most critical races.

Members of Congress who are fighting for what we believe in:

Health care, child care, Social Security, our freedoms, our Democracy, and our agenda For The People.

I hope I can count on you and see your name on my list of 2024 Team Pelosi Founding Members before my End of Month Deadline in 6 hours.



Nancy Pelosi's PAC to the Future is focused on electing a powerful slate of progressive champions up and down the ballot.

Nancy is working tirelessly to undo Trump and Republicans' horrific damage, but she can't do this alone. Can she count on your help to ensure Democrats WIN?


Nancy Pelosi is counting on you. If you want to stay updated but RECEIVE FEWER EMAILS, let us know HERE.

If you would like to UNSUBSCRIBE completely from future emails, you can do so HERE.

Pac to the Future
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC xxxxxx
United States


Paid for by PAC to the Future, 700 13th Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC, xxxxxx. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.