In less than 7 hours, we’re facing our critical end-of-February fundraising deadline. With the latest poll showing me LEADING by 2 points here in Nebraska, we cannot fall short of our goal – not if we’re going to defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and win this seat.


In less than 7 hours, we’re facing our critical end-of-February fundraising deadline. With the latest poll showing me LEADING by 2 points here in Nebraska, we cannot fall short of our goal – not if we’re going to defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and win this seat.

But with time running out, we’re still just short of our goal, so I have to ask: Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – before our end-of-February fundraising deadline at midnight tonight – to help me defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and win this seat?

This is going to be one of the most important Senate races in the country in November. Everything is on the line.

If she is reelected, my opponent Republican Deb Fischer will vote with her corporate donors, for a complete national abortion ban, and against union workers.

But I’m not taking corporate PAC money like Deb Fischer is. Instead, my campaign is funded entirely by grassroots donors like you. We can fight back against the Super PACs and win this seat with a people-powered campaign – but I’m counting on your support now if we’re going to be win.

The latest poll shows me leading by 2 points, and the attacks are coming. We are so close to hitting our end-of-month fundraising goal, but time is running out before the deadline at midnight tonight.

I’m asking you personally: Will you make a donation right now to my campaign – whatever amount you can afford before midnight tonight – to help hit our fundraising goal, defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer, and win this seat?

This fundraising goal is our most important yet. Let’s start 2024 strong and win in November.

I am incredibly grateful for your support,

Dan Osborn